SPoiLeR AleRT..
No Sad Pet
to come..
Pet yes..
but Found
NoW iN
Yes.. Tennessee the Cat Literally
Named Tennessee.. the Yellow
Garfield Looking Cat
who arrived
close to
then.. the
turn of the
Century with
his owners from
Tennessee too.. two
doors down and a Cat
who Decided our Garden
oF Eden was too much of
A Draw not to visit almost
every day and yes.. sometimes
all day.. Lounging away from his
original family comprised of Active
Children and a Nice Dog once named
Rowdy too.. Tennessee Loved his Open
Space and one of his favorite things Daily
to do was to Roll all around in the Mid-day
Back yard Sand and Sun.. not too affectionate
mostly during those years but his semi wild inside
outside Cat Presence FeLt by me since close to the
Turn of the Century Surviving through the Life of Four
of our Cats now passed away from Elwood First then in the
Mid-90’s to Jake.. Elwood’s Brother.. from two houses down
the other way to Arthur the Noble Brown Tabby who met us free
first in 1994.. Running Around the Neighborhood Block with us
while we walked and eventually the other Odd Couple of Grumpy
Old Men Cats who shared a Front Porch.. yes.. Tennessee and
Arthur once Arch Territorial Neighborhood Enemies as Balls of
Fur in Fights.. settled down in Old age to keep
a certain close distance where Tennessee
did Grieve Arthur when he left
our lives three years ago
too.. And of Course the
Big Gray Moby adopted
further down the road
from Parents with Non
Cat Child.. allergic to
Moby’s thick grey coat
Moby back then really
didn’t get to know the
Tennessee Cat very
well.. but they did
get along so well
as Moby was nice..
no anger full cat
He.. Tennessee is
Still Living Fine
Now.. oN A Full Five
Acre Fresh Land Spread
iN A New Country Home where the
folks he owns STiLL told us they were
gonna move to back in Februrary and late
in moving ’till June a day or so gone.. with
the last photo taken of Tennessee doing
another one of his favorite things..
Sleeping on our Back
Yard Patio Stones..
by Lush
that always
told him now
Abundance of
Food in ways of
special wet food cans
were always near for another
Kind and Loving Hand of Katrina
to feed him to all of his satisfaction full..
anyway.. although it is unlikely we will see Tennessee
again in the Fur he lives all through 100K or so shared photos
on my Four Years Plus of Blogging.. so sure.. he will intermittently
Visit me and everyone else who Randomly comes next across my
MacroVerses from now ’till Kingdom come which ever is already
NoW iN mY Garden oF Eden Recorded all FuLL of Furry Love..:)




sMiLes.. mY FriEnd.. Himali..
Life is a Country Road.. many
paths shared.. many paths
forged but on
Real Country
Roads never
to go.. sMiLes..
Writing the last few
years has really helped
me let go with continuing
Love.. a Father and a Mother
and three Cats.. two who passed
and one who takes a different path
in life.. i suppose when one loses enough
one is Happy
just to help
the rest
on its path now
to living the best
with Love that we
can give and share..
Yeah.. the greatest Loss
is the Give of Love.. when that
is FeeLeD iN that’s all tHeRE is to Do..:)


WeLL.. ‘this’ is an encouraging record..
two months in a row i will not have
to stop by on the 6th as promised
as Lala Rukh comes back
to her Blog site
with some
sMiLes.. mY
friend you helped
encourage me at a time
i needed encouragement the
most.. you write Well and i FeeL
and Sense it hELps your soUL
And the greaTesT LesSoN
for Me in Life is to
Evolve the
as the
soUL Grows
With ArT so much
more in MoVinG
And all
Activity Works
of Art it is the practice
oF soUL thAT counts mY
FriEnd.. Never ever GiVinG uP
whether or not someone else and
even God wHo/tHaT may seem to Go Mute is
not answering on the other end and staRt oF Line..
anyway.. you have a Writing Fan for Life as Give and Share
to Love
sometimes it
takes years and
perhaps lifetimes
and perhaps eternity
Now as i’ve already visited
in a long Cold Hell of 66 months
but never the less empty shells of words
can become Love fELt too.. when words FeeL God More..



sMiLes.. mY FriEnd..
FriEnds and Lovers
Family and oTheRs
Come and
but the
wHo Loves
aLWays stays
As Love.. Art is the
MagiC that glues the
Art to He oF heART
And when we share
Art the Love of Art
As Life’s True
Path that never
ever ends.. SMiLes
And Hello aGAiN mY
friEnd Himali.. how fortunate
We are to share the Art of heART
As when we do we Touch our soULs
toGeTher ONE.. And that’s how we Paint God..
oF heART
iN LoVinG SoULs..:)




EvEN WitH No
HuMaN FriEnDs


Facebook Friend
And Fellow Poet Blogger
Rafiah BRinGs a Status wHo
Suggests the Characters in
Pages are more real
than the men
we stand
beside and
i go on to play..
‘ThosE’ WRiTe
PAges BEinG
PlaY isReaL..:)

And i go to break
some potential
poetic ice
by saying..

Hehe and just a note
in case i am sounding
too poetic these days..
in my current Avatar it looks
like i have long pants on or not..
as i aim to
please all
audiences.. heHe..
as yes.. from where Rafiah
is from Men Look Better in
Pants and where i’m from
Women Love Men’s
oF aLL..
used to be Hairy
Chests but the days
of Magnum PI and
James Garner and Burt Reynolds
have now moved on to the Pill and
A Greater Desire for Beta males and Hairless
and even waxed chests.. oh.. the Nature.. you
gotta Love it.. so predictable and perhaps why
Women in ‘places’ with no Birth Control
Find me more ‘interesting’..
And as far as Poetry goes
the reaLiTy is
some Women
are more interested
in Sexting photos/linkS heAR
thaN words of heART that ToucH A SoUL..
could explain too why the Bootie Dance
is overwhelmingly replacing the Slow
Dance in Dance Halls today.. heAR..
oh.. the change..
oh.. the cultural
stress.. and stress
in general that says do
anything but reproduce in
areas that feel and
sense of
from Abundance
oF Naked Loving eYes
And Hips Of Dance and Song..:)

i’Ve changed and changed a whole
lot.. Before i understood what the
actual act of sex was and very sheltered
and not even verbally understanding what the
act or even the ‘manual’ feeling was until age
16 and in those days protected by anything
more than ‘fur’in Penthouse Magazines
all the way until i encountered
more than Penthouse
in a real
Girl Friend
then.. i was very
much more FeeLinG
In LoVinG eYes
of EmoTioNs
for girls
all the
way from
until that first
‘full’ Love after
High School past the
Legal Drinking age of
18 then.. a younger
Girl Friend at
age 15
more ‘experienced’
than me.. sure a little
embarrassing and intimidating
that was to me.. so much that
i wanted to pretend she was just
as naive as me but obviously that
wasn’t fully the case.. hehe..
anyway she liked
Hairy Chests
and that
was enough
for a Half
Cuban Girl
Women then yes
fully developed as ‘they’
say at a relatively young
and tender age and yes i ‘waited’
until the legal age of 16 to go any
further than the law requires always
following the rules always following
the rules hehe.. anyway some
where along the line
i was introduced
to Porn and
i must say
that helped
to remove a certain
Sweetness away from Love..
could be the rougher tougher
Military Women i met on station
too as well as the Club Scene
Women too.. anyway.. i settled
down with one not
at all driven
By Sex
and i am not
and i am as hey
i am just a Human
Son oF Man.. but moreover losing
Then all of my Emotions in all of
Numb and Pain for 66 Months i found
out what means the most and that is Emotions
the Glue of all our Memories and Laughter and Love
too.. lots more than a wet dream and that’s for sure..
as sure you can have them too when you lose your emotions
but then you find out that all is empty without heART no
Matter full of Blood the Lower pARTs come to be now then
without a sOUL.. and without the Physical
ability to connect in flesh and
blood life as all was numb
and pain it’s true what
you won’t do for
Love if you’ve
ever experienced
the Full EmoTioN
of Pure WhiTE Love
you WiLL Do anything related
to ArT to BrinG the FeeLinG oF
GiVinG and RecEivinG LoVe aGaIN..
so my words came to life with Emotions
otherwise known and sensed and felt as Poetry
of the heART ExPreSSinG EmoTioNs of HeART when
the Right Hemisphere of Love BRain comes back in
Metaphor of Reborn LiGht as LoVe Free Once aGaiN
and it’s true the sad empty souled Zombies on
the Wrong Planet online as i lived as
Zombie with letters of empty
SoUL.. had no care
for anything
or poetic in life
although they were surely
driven by feelings of fear and
hate and misery loves company
as the human condition often comes
and makes itself these ways when Social
Roles are hard to find and Holy and Sacred
Meaning and Purpose in liFe comes to Abyss
of BLacK HoLe SoUL ouT oF MiNd and BoDy
BaLanCinG SoUL FuLL of HUmaN LIGht
LiFe NoW in all STuFF
SMiLes.. Laughter
LoVinG FeeLing
WArM and
Poetic Love when
even one Moves and
connects and creates
in all nonverbal ways
of Poetic heART unLeashed
reLeased as Grace and Love with Will
and Strength too in Divine BaLanCinG
AcT of Feminine and Masculine Self Actualizing
hUmaN BeinG ONE.. true..took me 6 Million words to
Grow more than a Grinch heART SpiRiT and SoUL
so empty so dull so stagnate and
rot in my Bedroom
shut in closed in
as Hunch
of Notre
Dame and
Phantom of
the Opera that
used to be an Orchestra
and Symphony oF LoVinG
EmoTioNs and SeNSEs from
Head to toe.. and sure.. even
when i was 27 before i met the
Katrina and i was dating what
they call a ‘Wild Wave’ Woman
all Military Buttoned
uP in UniFoRm
outfit then..
she said i pulled
her heart strings and
i didn’t really know what
that meant as my Emotional
intelligence for Emotinoal
words was not much less
retarded then it
was at
age 18..
although at least
back then i could FeeL
more of the Emotional heart
than a drive below.. anyway
the PoeTry came first in
March of 2013 and
it took the Death
of a Beloved Cat
Sunny Boy Son
of Yellow Boy
from the Woods to
be put down by our decision
through the Public Safety Cat
Issue of Kitty Aids Spread as he
was horribly injured in a fight..
that first tear in 5 years was the
Saddest FucKinG Bitter Sweet Moment
of FeeLinG HUmaN ever for me then..
so retarded though still in
how to make the
Art of Emotions
Stable at least
in regulating
aLL thaT aLonG
with Integration
of mY out of whack
Senses from head to toe too..
And finally a close friend seemed
to turn on me suddenly without me understanding
why at all.. the only friend i felt like i had then
And Lala Rukh from Pakistan took me in with
at least Verbal Words of Unconditional
Love.. the Deep Sadness of
that with the liGhter FeeL
iS what reAlly helped
BRinG Me back to the Joy
of Emotions Fully Experienced
iN LiVinG LiFE as LiGht in all the
ways that Comes from dARk to sHades
of Grey to bEyOnd Rainbow Colors of
MoVinG ConNecTinG CreaTinG EmoTions
and SeNsES too.. And most all the Pain for 66
months and illnesses went away.. so what is the
most important thing in life.. Love and Hope and
Joy in all the ways that comes and yes all the Discomfort
of Negative Emotions in Life too that really are not Negative
at all as Sadness and Grief technically comes with a reduction
of the Neurohormone Oxytocin that is the Warm and Fuzzy Hugs
all Natural Drug of Human Connection as Dopamine
For Creativity Naturally increases
at the same time and
this is why one
will hear
and see
some of the
Most Beautiful Creative
Arts of Human Beings when
they experience Grief and Sorrow
as the Creative Neuro-chemical Dopamine
Naturally increases during Grief and Sadness to
counteract the loss of touchy feely warm and fuzzy love..
problem is is when one is under great stress and they block
all their emotions out NoW and next thing ya know nihl for all
the Positive Neurohormones and Neurochemicals that truly
Make LiFe Worth it for the Human Connection that
Science shows is the Number one Factor
that makes all Social Animals
including us Happy..
nah.. Trump
Towers are
just a substitute
and an empty never
truly fulfilling skyscraper
away from the LiGht oF aLL Natural
Love iN all the MoVinG ConNectinG CreATinG
ways that Hope and Love and Joy and the Faith
of Existential Intelligence that you can Master
the Regulation of your Emotions and Integrate your
SeNses to FeeL Comfortable and Joyous in your
own Temple oF GoD skIN as NatuRe Plus and
HuMaN Nature as we are evolved
for the Intermittent
Gratification that
comes from
all that
we do in
Victory and
Fail of LIFe NoW..
to GeT iT iN BaLanCinG
ForcE NoW of MiNd and BoDy isREaL
SoUL is to Win liFe as Victory aS LiGht..
And sure tHeRe is ‘tHaT’ oTheR PlacE too but
Love real True Love alWays LiFTS the rest of Creation UP
as ‘they’
say the GoD of uPs
and yes Downs too iN
BaLanCinG ForCe oF LiGht
with an appropriate amount
of dARk to ARK LiGht wHOle..
Circle of LiFE as ‘theY’ say too..:)



Gosh.. i must admit.. i am raised
A Stone’s throw close enough
to Railroad Trestle Across an
80 Feet Deep River
that shook
stone block
held up wooden
Floors as Thunder
Lizard Dinosaur
Trains tall
No Internet then
No Black and White
TV until age 7.. Trains then
were huuugggeellly interesting
then and sure the Nostalgia they
BRinG back to me.. As an original
Lionel Train Set brought so much fun
to me at ages before School.. perHaps
way after yes and always fun.. most of all
the ImaGiNaTioN and Creativity of MaKinG
More out oF thaT Train Trestle than what wAs iS
tHeRe.. Yes.. Brutus Lived under that Dark Bridge
With Warning Red eyE LiGhtS and Popeye
And hey.. i even married
Olive Oil too.. haha..
SMiLes.. mY FriEnd..
for today.. Prajakta..
you are a
Train Ride
in India who
BRinGs these Beautiful
Memories and FeeLingS anD
SensEs to me.. even though
Your Train ride is now and
Mine is IMagiNary LonG
PreSent NoW
As aLL is alWays
NoW.. Beauty of the
Internet.. A FeeLinG TunnEL LiGht
SenSinG TRain oF HuMaN heART..
NoW as alWays thank yoU mY Friend..
And yeah.. what i was/am gonna originally
admit is i’ve been on only one train ride when
very small.. iMaGiNAToN No Bounds of Tracks
MoRe HoLDinG SPiRiT SoUL..:)

“I couldn’t agree more. The most beautiful part
is the conversations with total strangers who are seated next to you!”

And that’s what Himali said before i visited Prajakta
as yes.. Himali commented immediately before
i came next.. sMaLL
TrAIn LarGe
iS aS HeARt
SpiRit RinGS
SoUls togeTHeR All Aboard..;)

And yeah.. when i Rode the GreyHound
Bus to see my Father Twice a year
in Tallahassee through Childhood
at Christmas and on around
my Birthday two weeks
before His and
Father’s Day too..
interesting conversations
even in lower grade school years
with adults then.. perhaps they don’t
have Internet connections in places of
India where trains roam.. as surely these
days sparking up a conversation is mostly
A Screen of 4 to 5 inches of eternity lost Now..
Ironically sTiLL i could Be Riding Prajakta
or Himali’s tour Bus in those days too..
(Nah.. they weren’t born then.. far
far decades away still but you
kNow what i mean now huh..;)
Hey.. it’s the Human Connection
that counts.. pen pals
of Poetry can
say more
than train rides
out of HeART and
SPiRit and SoUL Focus
as that is what the ancients
said.. writing and reading theNow
iS for Laser focusing the heART and SpRiT
And SoUL oN Love of Creation wHole
as ‘they’
of God too..
this is no candy crush
as candy crush includes
Mostly Dopamine and rarely
Oxytocin and HiGher ways
Juice FReED..;)

So it’s true if the beautiful
Young Women from India
Prajakta and Himali
and Rafiah
and me
all sitting
on a Bus with
perhaps Prajakta
and Her Husband sitting
together and Rafiah and Himali
by themselves with me sitting by myself
what would be the chances of us exchanging
poetic words on the state of affairs of HuMan
Free heART SpiRiT and soUL from the
non-religious perspective of
Prajakta the Jainism
of Himali
the Islam
of Rafiah and
yes.. my FriEnd
SoHeir who chooses
that way of religion from
Egypt too.. and this is the
Beauty of the Internet
as it breaks
of exclusion that could
be hey.. that guy has Sun
Shades on at night.. he is
kinda spooky and big and
rough and tough and eerily
Fearless too.. hmm.. yep he
looks like he could be kinda scary
and after all he might be okay as look
at how Beautiful and Innocent his Wife
looks as hey she could be from Pakistan
and India or even Egypt too.. yes and it’s like
the Jack Russell Terrier that my sister and i and
her roommate used to walk around the block at 3 AM..
Jack Russell Terrier means safe group of family friends..
even at 3 AM in the morning.. we.. the night shift workers then..
YeP.. it’s true when i Dance in Public Katrina makes me look like i’m possibly sane
hehe.. and yeah.. if she was riding with me on the Bus some Poetry could be exchanged..
STiLL so..
but back to the
original point.. the Internet
Brings a World toGeTher
that miGht not ever say
a thing NoW if in the
Flesh and
Blood reaLiTy
of Preconceived Notions
and Differences that set all of us apart..
and it’s kinda true in some ways i am
more interesting in real life too..
be a
way of putting
it while otHeRs NoW
see it as Famous too..
Different Strokes of Pain
and Pleasure and the ‘tween
of that depending alWays on the
Target Audience of GoD..
and or NaTure
NoW iN all of
Existence Languages
for what we all share as
Consensual and
ReaLiTy NoW..
Train Train
Ride NoW
Train Train
Take me Home to FReED Love..
i Mean.. Jesus F iN Christ i’ve Got
College Degrees in Anthropology
and Social Sciences Interdisciplinary
and Health Science too.. OMG.. the World
is so much Bigger NoW for Study than Just
A BoWLinG CenTer.. Etc.. on a Military Station NoW
No Boundaries No Borders No Limits No Expectations yeS.. FReED
And in the World Market and Earth sTore in the Mall i finAlly get to ‘see’ ‘those people’..:)


Weekly Photo Challenge: Out Of Focus

Castle Walls
Plant Falls
Seeds Drop
SprOut Roots
LiFE BRinGs LiGht
HOlds GreeN BriGht
Walls ReTreat Leave Life..
WisDom BreaThe
NatUre Wins PreSenT
Roots Tree HiGher LiFE..:)

Haiku: Peaceful Waters

eARTh Low
DanCinG SpiRiTs
soUL wHole
BiRd SpiRAls..:)

Tanka: The Light Within

SMiLes.. FriEnd.. Xenia..
aLL We Need iS NatUre
as ‘they’ say .. isn’t
Hard to iMaGinE
inside outside..
Nature Above so below
And all-around NoW for Love..:)

Weekly Photo Challenge: Transient

wHo WiLL
ForgET A TRee
TaKinG SuN
HappY FAir
SEas and
Rains mY
FriEnd.. ReCord
TroPiC SeaSon oF
EarLY StoRmS HeAR alReaDy..:)


Shanti, the Dragon — #writephoto Twilight

GiFt oF DraGoN
PLay Reptilian
oF Fearless
EsCape SUrViVes
ALLowS Stars FaR
TwinKle LoVe aGaiN..
ThriVeS HeARt RisE SpiRiT
DanCeSinGs SoUL ReaSoN KiLLs

Butterfly Feeling

FloWerS WinGs
LiFe GiVinG
sNake Rises
Head More..:)


LoVes NoW
GraceFuLLy GreY
iN STrenGth oF WiLL
oF StatuS


oF HomE
Away and
Castle WAlls
SoUL Rise HiGher Lost
And Found iN SeeK and FiNd..
As ‘they’ say Home is what we construct
Trees or
Of Sand hOld
Hands WeatHeR
‘they’ see the calm
or storm of waves iN Tide
ContinueS oN
FReED oR PriSoN sAMe..
Oh.. Hi Frank.. almost forgot
to say Hi Frank Nice to see you..:)


Hello Frank.. from Rainy
Tropical Storm
Cindy outskirts
of pour.. hmm..
Great Poetry
Writing Weather
today.. hehe.. and
Great Aunt Erline is surely
Still a treasure on the Paternal
Side along with Great Aunt Jettie
on the Maternal Side both extremely
Intelligent Matriarchs Passing on at Age
94.. sadly.. neither Aunt saw me recover from
Hell but they were surely instrumental in helping
me drag my chin along the low way of hell.. as yes..
the shortest Eve has passed now and at one point
the next second seemed close to an impossibility to
tolerate and now i can see my self
Dancing at Age 94 and
Perhaps Longer
after all my
Identical Twin
Brother stayed
on the Dance Floor entertaining
the Lovely Elder Ladies until age
84.. while his wife.. my Aunt.. Played
the Piano for a Blue Grass Band that
she still does now at 85 while Uncle
Ted Finally succumbs to a walker
but still has a smile for life
Aging Gracefully as
they say
as all
these elders
have one thing in common
my friEnd.. a sMiLe for life that
goeS oN.. i finAlly leARn the LesSon
of my Elders and carry own an oral tradition
as i witnessed my Elders do through several generations
of life.. Great Maternal Uncle Charles owning an old Gas Station
on Navarre Beach First Settlers there with his Father Edward where
both Father and Sun lived until the age of 94 too.. and it’s what they
did through out the day.. telling stories where you felt like you were
in the room at the original scene of life.. i remember before
when my Mother was in Gall Bladder Surgery back
in my 40’s thinking when am i going to
gain the ability to say anything
but working working that’s
all i’ve been doing
is working working
hehe.. that’s all i do
now talking talking and
it’s a lot better than working
working.. haha.. Practice as ‘they’
say.. wax on wax off and never give anything but uP..
Anyway.. as alWays.. thanks for stopping by.. mY FriEnd Frank..:)


SMiLes.. my FriEnd.. Soheir.. i started out earlier
the Day this morning a little sad as celebrating
the Old Orange Cat’s Life.. Tennessee..
Moving away now with his real ‘owners’..
He who has been a constant Companion
of our Back Yard since around
the Turn of the Century
and then our
Friend Himali
came to see me
and then Lala Rukh
from Pakistan my old
friend from there and
Second Cousin Monica
And Glenn from the dVerse
Poetry Pub place too along
with Frank from there and now
my friend Soheir from Egypt as
that is what God does when you are
a little down.. cheering you up with Angels
from the past and present.. Yes.. Peace be upon
you too mY FriEnd.. Soheir.. from a place i would
Love to visit one day.. Egypt as i’ve alWays felt too
in someway i’ve lived there as most all our ancestors
passed that way in distant days.. would Love to see the
Pyramids and the Sphinx as hey i do Love me some Cats
too.. spirit animals to me they have always helped
me with my Emotions through the years..
and so allergic i was to cats
closing my airways up when
they lived indoors around
me and that’s
one thing i can
say about living
in hell that was good..
the Cat Allergies went away
so now i will have a cat companion
of someone at least the rest of my
life and what a Blessing that is and
you know right after i talked to you the
other day my right thumb and left big
toe quit hurting and i FeeL SeNsE your
Friendship Caring Ways
helped to heal
both of
overuse maladies
as only temporary Thanks God..
i FeeL Great today my Friend as
a few humans came by to see me
and shared a little bit of their life with me..
When i worked at the Military Bowling Center
for almost two decades i really didn’t say much
but listened like a Bar Tender to everyone’s problems
with smiling eyes and teeth.. i like people they are my favorite
thing.. and when they moved me out of that place of people to
an office all alone with a computer for a real job then.. i remember
crying without expecting that as i came to the realization that Bowling
Center was never a job but a home away from home when i saw entire
Generations grow up and get married and have children of their own..
it’s true it was a Village and i was its servant of shoes and good
times for all.. i never wanted authority over anyone.. i’ve
always loved serving people more.. it’s a place
of strength to Love as it’s real
and no one gets
paid to
Love you
Back.. Service
yes.. my FriEnd
alWays with a sMiLe
with Drive through LiFe LiGht
aGaiN NoW as now although i have
no shoes to serve i have the photos and
the words and dance steps to give.. How
Wonderful it is to Serve mY FriEnd.. A Beautiful Place of Humble
aAd Meek with the Love and Grace and Strength and WiLL oF A LioN2..:)


WiLL Do mY FriEnd.. Soheir
Interestingly.. Katrina
was afraid of touching
the Cat who used to
Visit us named
years and
she actually
convinced me too
i might get germs
if then i touched that
Semi-Wild Tuxedo
Cat then..so yes..
i can understand
the differences
and SeNsEs
About Cats.. oh
boy.. those allergies kept
me out of my Sister’s home
for years as she always had
and has several cats on laps..
AnyWay.. thanks for the Kind
Thoughts and Wishes.. mY FriEnd.. Soheir..:)


Pontificating for fun and profit….

Hmm.. Rain needs
no ‘Xplaining
it just
wHole Cloud
sky rise lows falls
HiGheR close to Sun..
it’s raining it’s raining it’s
raining and it can rain some
more as long as it finishes by
Dance tomorrow night at 11 pm..
hmm.. other than that hope you
are Cooling off some in the
Heat Wave of California
too.. Climate change
the children of
two tropical
once in an
Atlantic June
and the furthest storm
in the Atlantic to form yet..
anyway.. got a roof over my head
and a garage and a car what the
F am i complaining about let it rain.. gigoid..;)

And i will proceed NoW aS ‘they say..;)

The secret of Happiness is Freedom,
and the secret of Freedom, Courage.”

~~ Thucydides ~~

True.. takes a lot
of Courage to
Go Diaper free..
unTiL ‘iT’ hITs ‘the’ Fan..;)

“The old patterns of the hero’s quest still hold true.
The latest incarnation of Oedipus
is standing at the corner of 5th Avenue and 42nd Street
waiting for the lights to change.”

~~ Joseph Campbell ~~

True and Beethoven
would have received
a Hearing aid
and never
the music he did..
Van Gogh would have been
Medicated with the newest Psychotropic
Drugs.. Michelangelo would have done
it Selfie way himself with a Smart Phone..
Chapel Naked
without a Mural..
And Jesus would have
A Blog too refuting all the
lies about him from before..
Hand Cuffs of CulTure now
Free and iMpriSoned too
in ways without a Paint
Brush wHo works..
but it’s true
Got Talent
And 9 year old
Asian AngELs Walk This land STiLL
As thE heART oF hUMaN ReaL AngELs GoeS oN..
oF heART..:)

“Remember what the dormouse said…

~~ Grace Slick ~~

Hehe.. i already
did that
threw uP most
oF iT ouT..;)

“One’s action ought to come out of an achieved stillness;
not to be a mere rushing on.”

~~ D. H. Lawrence ~~

CeNTeR i caLM
HurricaNe NoW
Winds anD aLL
thAt Jazz

“An it harms none, do what thou will.”

~~ Wiccan Credo ~~

And sure.. Cognitive
Empathy helps to
to understand
One Man’s
Woman’s PoiSoN..:)

“A little Madness in the Spring
Is wholesome even for the King.”

~~ Emily Dickinson ~~

B aRT oN
L O V E N O W..:)

When i saw Emily/Celine heAR.. i had to visit..;)

“Virtues are acquired through endeavor,
Which rests wholly upon yourself.
So, to praise others for their virtues
Can but encourage one’s own efforts.”

~~ Nagarjuna (c. 100-200 AD) ~~

YeS aS Caesar
Says.. Apes

“He bids fair to grow wise who has
discovered that he is not so.”

~~ Publius Syrus — Maxim 598 ~~

i kNow NoThinG
i FeeL anD SeNSe mY aLL..;)

“Reality is that which, when you stop
believing in it, doesn’t go away.”

~~ Philip K. Dick ~~

And thaT’s
wHy i KeeP
MaKinG ‘iT’.. mYsELf..
Never Ever NoW StoP
BeLieVinG iN ME


Yesterday.. i tale Himali A Rainbow
WiLL come to day on Her
Facebook Page
and she says
that will
Fun to
Watch and
i Say i WiLL Say
Moon Child iT wiLL Be..

And NoW oN today..

tHeRe is no Best
When one bEcoMes
Love onLY Gives..:)(WitH
New Facebook Provided
Today Pink BackGround
Color with Sweet Kitty
Kat SMiLes of
Fuzzy StatUS
Love EmBossed..:)

Words inspired by Himali on her Facebook Page

Himali says in return..

So beautifully said.. love only gives

i say neXt..

Hehe.. more


coming now..

As a response to her latest poetic effort
on her Website i DanceSinG on now with..


SMiLes.. my FriEnd Himali..
Best advice ever in
Labs early
on in the development
of Computers at College
was/is the Sign posted on
the Computer Lab door that
SunG.. “Don’t
Forget you’re
in other
And remember
ART is also 60 percent
of smART and 60 percent
of eARTh and yes by God
even 75 percent fART and
the pART of God that is us..
hehe.. it’s true i used to be
iRobot and people referred
to the way my mind worked as a
literal computer but that was after
19 years of school.. when i was 13.. i
wrote directed and acted in a play and
the folks who live around here in Trump
Red State Land who are males told me
that art and smiles are for queers and
not for boys.. and one of my friends..
in fact.. Katrina’s first ‘real’ boy
friend who i was
friends with
who knew
me as the straight
‘A’ Kid tHeRe recently
asked.. do you use proper
grammar when you write now
and i said no and i do not use
proper form when i leg press 1020lbs
33 times at the gym but never the more
no one else can budge that much weight
there and my Kungfu is Fredfu and my
Haibun for Poetry is Fredbun and my
Haiku is Fredfu.. and
Me and God to
above so
below and
all a’round
make uP
mY/OuR DancE
steps as we/i move
together as the Voice
of Art has no reaSon only
FeeLinG and SeNSinG God
Within as Love so no.. i will never
Fredfu anyone with my kicking feet
however they will FeeL/SenSe i stand too tall
and strong to defeat in a fight for tHeir own safety..
anyWay.. the Scientific fAct NoW is humans are NOT rational..
most all our emotional responses first are naturally rationalized
later and science also shows now that there is the mechanical
cognition part of mind and the social empathic art pART of mind
as cognition too and if we lock ourselves into a life of reason too much
we experience a poverty of the
HEart and SpiRit and MiNd
and BoDy BaLanCinG
soUL for this is
the Science
of Yin
Yang alWays
Intuited in Ancient
Philosophies and now
Empirically measured by Science
and as far as the ‘dum jock’ stereotype
our minds are led by the emotion of our bodies
in intuitive feeling sensing ways and when we spiral
our bodies out of straight lines and angles like any
animal does to stay invisible to predator and prey
for basic subsistence and the thrive of
animal homeostasis
rest in Peace
and flights
of life to capture
prey and escape
predator are over for
the day we do a Happy
Dance ToGeTheR Naked and
Free that makes absolutely no
sense but the Flow of Love toGeTheR
that lasts for the eternity of now under Sun
oF a Midnight Moonlit Campfire Right.. trUe now2
as ‘they’ Dance and SinG.. the heART goeS oN LiGht
iF we Nurture it Naked as SpRinG BriGht and on top of that
Science now sHows that Dance is literAlly the Fountain
of Youth as it increases all Positive Neurochemicals
Neurohormones and spArks all the connections in
the brain building new ones in every new
move and emotion experienced
and yes as the Sufi Dervish
and his companions
experience in
uniSon makes
A Real Transcendent
Ecstatic Experience now
oF what ‘they’ name as Chi..
Satori.. Ki.. Qi.. Kundalini
Rising.. Nirvana and Bliss
of the Ascending
the Art of liFe
in Relative Free Will
And iN yes.. Regulating
Emotions and integrating
Senses with Laser Focus and much
Greater Short Term working memory NoW
Increasing Cognitive Executive Functioning
in MoVinG ConNecTinG and CreaTinG ways and
even controlling tHeir Body Temperatures and Brain Waves
and Heart Rate and Blood Pressure too for outstanding
Health every now of Bliss and the Heaven now that
Most Western Religions provide no real clue of how
to attain that Experience of the all Natural Miracles
of Epigenetic and Neuroplastic change now more
in the Face of Appropriate Environmental Tests
As DNA Inheritance of all the Struggles of
our Ancestors through 14.5 plUs
Billion years from
the origin
of the
Cycle of
Living and
Existence never
ending now.. i heARt stArT
StanDinG Over reaSon.. i Dance and
SinG no longer will reaSon shriNk my soUL..
but hey.. IT makes an excellent tool as words
do and collective intelligence and culture and
religion too to share what we Experience
and spaRk the Pure Love that Rises
word as
tool alone can
and will hope to do..
there is no Random in
heART of Love.. only
Giving and Sharing
and for/to
no sense aT all… and it doesn’t have to..
Master oF ReaSon.. heART SPiRiT and SoUL
aS even so ironicAlly Science finALLy sHows..
Thanks for this inspiration i’ll save these
words in my LaTesT Facebook Profile
Pic and give/ share them
the next time some
one asks me why
i Dance 7600 public
miles in 46 months
and how i can possibly
write a “PHI Bible” of 1.618
Million Words from Memorial
Day of 2016 through
2017 in
Free Verse Poetry
And the Longest Long
Form Poem now Working
on the 783rd MacroVerse
as i sPeak now with plus 4 Million
words in 46 months to go along with
all that dance and 100K photos of Art
and Love of and with otheRS too in that
same sPan of life.. yes.. i’ll tale them i’m not
only reAlly bragging.. i am documenting human potential
too and the fAct that i stARTed at age 53 and if you stART
NoW WiTh ART of smART and heaRT and stART imagine
the places you
21 with
these Keys to
Happiness and
Human Potential
NoW could be as simple
a stART as yoUR Free Verse
Style dance neXT.. and yes if at
all possible find a place private enough
and do it naked in the sand and sun as
‘you’/me touch the face of God Within..
so below
and all a’round as ‘they’ say..
Greater Men than me have said
it per the Gospel of Thomas Verse
37 but i have advantage of written
words and collective intelligence
and all the knowledge
and art of Humankind
and thanks God
for Google2..
and left
ascending fEat1..:)

Then the Sun comes
out after days of rain
and i go on
to Dance
And Sing

ThE SuN iS
OuT i aM
(New Today Facebook
Color Status Option
As Deep Ocean Blue
With Pastel Rainbow
Color Hands and
SiGNaturE NoW..:)

Himali asks..

Is this your garden ? It’s lovely !!

i return with..

Yes.. it is the 24 inch Window Wide
View out of my Bedroom/Computer room..
Thanks so much.. my FriEnd.. Himali..:)

Himali exclaims..
I love it !
You are so blessed..:)

i go on again to say..

Thanks.. many of the Flowers
came from my Mother’s Yard
when she moved to her
small apartment out
of her bigger

goes on to sing..

They are lovely.
You have maintained
your garden really well..:)

i say back more..

Thank you.. interestingly we’ve kind of let it
go wild with no fertilizer or any
kind of pesticides for almost
A Decade now and it Feels
More Natural and Beautiful
then it ever did when i trimmed
every leaf around the bricks
and sidewalks like
a sidewalk
of life..
like you said
my friend And
it’s true.. Nature
and God is more
Art than ReaSon
when Wild
and Free..:)

Himali exclaims again..

Beautiful. . The natural
beauty is really gorgeous!

And in summary i finish..
and continually stART..

Thanks and of
course this is
a metaphor and
a parable for our
HUman BeinG too..:)


Second Round of somewhat
Poetic Leaning Visit at
Xenia’s Poetry place
all finished up
for that on
at 911 pm.. with this..

“Gift it Holds Within”
A greaTest MaGiC i found
bound to sheet music playing
the piano note by note only
iMproviSing by note..
is when the
notes StArting
SinGinG through
My Fingers without
any sheets.. Bare SoUL
ExpoSinG DancEs ouT
Without a Rope
of reins
hold.. SingS
oN FloW iN ZoNe..:)

Hello.. My FriEnd
Xenia.. JusT NoW
BreeZinG through
aGaiN afTer Sun
Peaks out
aWay iN Tropical
Spin as we all do
as cycles go on..:)

alWays Great to See
YouR visits but hey
i’m kind oF A
hehe.. NoW as
Katrina excitingly
claps her hands at
A Game Show on
TV.. connect
as ‘they’
no matter
Far or Electronic Waves..
i FeeLSeNse so much within withouT
Any Non-Verbal Language aT aLLnow
sELf absORBed WitH liGht per do2..;)

Thanks.. my FriEnd Xenia for all the
Kind Wishes as the SuN
shines in and out
again for
mY 166th
toNight oF
DanCinG WitH
aLL the Cool College
Age folks at Old Seville Quarter
in a first settlement acknowledged
in America NoW as Pensacola once
Panzacola named for the
Long Haired Indians
who lived here
beFore that
as i also Celebrate
the 300th Anniversary
of the Free Mason
Premier Grand
and Westminister
this Weekend and nah..
Not pART of the Organization..
jusT a Freest Mason NoW as far
as word building goeS.. heHe.. NoW2..
anyWay that’s just trivia.. see yA Later..;)


Rejection.. Loneliness.. Loss of Self Esteem.. Failure
Try Again.. Move.. Connect.. Create.. Dance.. Sing.. Win..
Make the next line of life longer.. wash away all the fear.. Win
Saint Elmo’s Fire.. i am only Good at Making lists until i Dance
And Sing
Fire.. now
Thanks for
the really nice share
of the man who artfully washed
all his Tears of Rejection.. Loneliness..
Loss of Self Esteem and Failure in
A Nice Baptism Bucket
of Fresh Water
Once Again i
Dance and
Sing Now
Saint Elmo’s
Fire Lives within
me and hey.. look
how hard i never give
up in Connecting to my
Friend Rafiah.. i Try again
i Dance and Sing.. i Make
My Saint Elmo’s Fire a
ReaLiTy in every
word and
step of
Life into more
than walk and talk
on sidewalks straight
spiraling life out of all the boxes
i put myself into prison before in sidewalks
talk and walk of life in only lists that ran my life..
Nah.. don’t just walk and talk.. Dance and SinG Saint Elmo’s Fire..
You See.. Saint Elmo’s Fire
is the all muse that fuels our
heART and SpiRiT and MiNd
and BoDy BaLanCinG SoUL
And this morning my FriEnd
you are my Saint Elmo’s
Fire.. as i make you
that with all the
And CreaTivity
iN MoVinG ConNecTinG
ways that makes us what
we can and will be as HuMaNiTy
with all its gifts FiRinG ReaLiTy
on distant shores of an Island
spARK and flAMe and Torch
as BonFiRE oF SoUL that
never goes out but you see the
only reason it never goes out is we pass it on
as Bonfire more.. as you say with the video you share
this morning Rafiah.. it reAlly is LiT as this is your Saint
Elmo Fire oF Muse this morning you share with me that
Muses me and brings all these words that Dance and Sing
on and will never end hehe.. unless i bRinG them to an end
now sharing Saint Elmo’s Fire with you.. yep.. literally too.. see yA
oF hUMaN
LiGht TrUe and BriGht..
Hmm.. i think ‘they’ call that Love
of the Pure spaRk.. flAMe TorCh BonFiRE NoW..

Saint Elmo’s Fire
By “Man in Motion”

SMiles.. my FriEnd Rafiah
yes.. the iRobot of past
that was my list making
mind surely saw the video
you shared as ‘LiT’.. only
as a Parody about some
show but.. hehe.. but now
SMiLes.. aLL oF REaLiTy..
is a Rorschach Inkblot Test..
We either make.. or.. break..
haha.. for NoW.. i.. alWays
Choose more.. my FriEnd..
aS i Can and WiLL.. LoVE..
And Make this Ink Blot.. liFE..
As THE Masterpiece Painting of
God it is Made to be NoWallNoW
Full of Holy And Sacred Meaning and
Purpose and while most people only see
Dirt in a Grain of Sand i See all of God iN
All of God is as that GRain of Sand.. Takes Practice
And never ever giving uP to Create More liGht WiTh God
NoW aWaY iN and as A GRaiN of Sand as Desert LiGht
from dARk Ocean NoW
As the Sailor
WiLL alWays
Hope.. NoW
for THE neXt
ShoRE oF
NoW bY
And or
Saint Elmo’s Fire
Yes.. God is Saint Elmo’s
FiRe and THE Tree oF LiFe.
Or and the Force iN Star Wars too..:)

Rafiah shares an additional Status
after she replieS.. hehe.. that i am
reading a little more into
her video than she sees..
as she also says in the
next status that she
heard a random
song that
in her
mind and hash tags that
with “damn” and ‘weird things’..
like me hehe.. and i added this line..
here as go on more with her down here.. then..

“Earworm” yep..
Google it.. it’s
a ‘thing’..
Gotta Love
Science too..

Rafiah says in return..

Its a very lame song lol

And i go on with more on course..

That’s funny too because
when i get the ‘ear worm’..
it is often a song
i really
like that much
either but hehe..
i guess that’s why
‘they’ made the song
that way to keep in your head
even if you don’t like it and yes
my FriEnd that is a metaphor now
too of/for all stuff related to
Written Language now
and Collective
and Culture overall
that/who attempts to measure
and maNipulate us as science
shows humans are not rational
animals nor are any other mammals..
all mammals think with Feelings and Senses
first and humans are cursed with a more ‘advanced’
brain in this way as they see a past and future that doesn’t exist..
and does
22” Ear Worm
as ‘they’ “SinG”..;)


Sum oF mY
Art and God iS
Much Bigger than i ‘See’
iT JusT Is iS aLL NoW tHaT
uNfOlds ‘fore
Yeah Too Deep For FB
And tHaT’s LiFE iF
You See iT
SoCiaL EnGiNeeR
OMG ThanKs!..!’YoU’!
PRePaRinG A WaY..;)

FB BooK Back Ground
Colors and Added Symbols
Recently NoW that iLLusTraTE the Story..
progression from beginning to end.. black
and white print to Orange Autumn Colored
FaLL Back Ground of Trees and Two Dimensional
and Three Dimensional Leaves to a Deep Ocean
Blue Background with Two Multi-Cultural
Painted Arms one with time in form
oF a cLocK Watch and One
Bare Armed
Abstract Linear
Constructed Time..
only existing with
the Art of Culture
Painted as LiFe on Arm..
And then to a Beautiful 2
Tropical PalmS and Azure
Color Ocean Gulf and SeaS
With Two Islands each with itS
owN Palm shorter and taller and
what holds the photo toGeTher
are the colors of Blue Green
Brown and White Sand
that make
what it is
NoW Beach
or Bitch as B88CH
IN OtHeR Words you
iMaGiNe and CreaTE the 88..
sure the Keys of the Piano sharp or flat too..
and the back on to Ocean Deep Blue Background
with Hands of Peace and Rock and Roll with
Warm and Fuzzy Kitty Kat Back Ground
Pink as PaW PrinTs LIVinG
iN Peace toGeTher
yep.. all warm
Love for
Kitty Kat pINk Peace..
with Rock and Roll too..
and finAlly the Color Red
BackGround that says wake
uP NoW HaPPY DaY we SenTient
StAR duST PlUs aLerTS from Star
Death Crucible Fire Resurrection STiLL
sTaNDinG TaLL iNFiniTy NoW H8 as
two ones of KinGDoM CoMe K11
JoiN Hands without Time
as LoVe NOW
iN RiGht
BrAiN Metaphor
for and as ART of
heART and HE of ART
as Science and Reason
in Systemizing way makes
one GreAT HEART of hUMaN
Fused as mINd and BoDy BaLanCinG
SoUL as SpiRiT goES oN NoW to DancE
And SinG LiFE HiGheR and eVeN HiGhER
aS hUmans around the World aS ouR BRains
WitH as many Neurons aS Stars iN the MilKy
Way and as many PoTenTiaL ConNeCtions
as all stArs NoW iN the UniVersE we
currently see with the aided
eYe of Science TrueR
and LiGht tWoER
iN a HiVe
oF Love as
the Neurons and
Connections that are
hUmans on eARtH make
H8 a fuLeR ReaLiTy as a LiVinG
HiVe of HUmaNs of BoTh HeMisPheRes
oF eARTh JoiN Hands as HoW we Do iN
inside outside above so below and alla’round
iN/aS MiNd and Body BaLance not only in eASt
and WesT but FouR PoiNTS whOle
iN BeYoND A 360 Degree Circle of
LAttitudes too..
you see.. Facebook
is only as deep as we make
the Ocean of our Lives in the
eternity oF NoW but at least
with online we Have the Potential
of HoLDinG Hands and FiRinG uP the
Saint Elmo of our Neurons that are as Numerous
as the Stars of the MilKY Way and the connections
thereof as Directed by the Astrocytes of our Glial
Cells as Waves of Ocean whOle miNd MaKinG
the PoTenTiAL CoNNecTioNs as great
or greater than over a Quadrillion
StARs in the Science
Aided UniVerse
NoW Visible
to our
eYes DancE
and SinG as any
BiG BanG within uS
as above so below inside
outside and all around continues
to ExPaND BeYoNd inFiNiTE Shores of ReALiTy NoW..
And next
thing ya
Does a
Maniac Dance
Like a Fred Gorilla
in a Pool of Never Ending ‘MaNiaC’ Bliss..;)

And.. if you’LL Notice.. the Gorilla is Spiraling iN
A BeYoNd InFiNiTE PooL oF UNiVerse
as Milky way incarnate Fur..
as ‘they’
‘say’ DanCE
S i N G NoW
too or did you
notice that Song
Spirals like the Milky Way too..
as above so below mini ME God’s
We are pARt GoD wHole..
As DanCinG
SinGinG StaRs..
Hmm.. Fur Elise
is the only
i took the
tiMe to BotH
lEarn and reMeMber..:)

And it’s worthing noting
that the Gorilla’s ‘Zoologist’
Says that Enriching
Mind and body
thiS IS A
Wonderful way
of increaSinG the
Natural Behaviors
of all animals.. hmm..
yes.. including us/we/i who are
Free enough fur/to be WiLd and Free too..;)

To Add heAR..
THE DancE SayS iTaLL

BlUe sKeYes


HoW WiLL God Save
tHe HUman Species
From itsELf?
(Red Alert
FB Back
Ground Color)
God ‘mUSt’ CoMe
BacK To eARtH aS
EsSenCe oF LoVe
iN HUmaN ForM
(Yellow to Green
KeY NoW iS
DOn’T WaiT
FoR SomEONe ELse To CoMe
As ‘tHey’ DanCEsinGJuST F iN Do iT NoW
(Red to Indigo Blue Diagonally
Increasing Facebook
Spectrum of
iS iN thE
Sweet Spot of
Middle Ground Rise..
WeLL.. sTiLL HaVe a Story
oF A DAncE HaLL NiGht
at Old Seville Quarter to
go with what has already
come as that relates to 15 Profile
Pics shared as Status today with
Empty Descriptions so far with much much
more to come.. perHaps not meeting the 10K
Word or so Limit in placing words in FB Profile
Pic StatUS oF Description ways.. as sure.. i have
SoMe Year to Date FB MacroVerse Memories to share at the end of this too..
AnyWay.. sAMe Story To Be placed in the Description of all 15 photos as hey.. FB is Free FoR All…;)

WeLL aS i SuNG and DancED and LiterAlly Played
the Saint Elmo Song (Man in Motion)
at the first of all of this..
Yes.. Saint Elmo’s
Fire.. the MaGiC
Muse of LiFE
that sPeLLs
HoPe and
Love and
and reALity NoW
of JoY too in all ways
oF Form this Essence oF LiGht
iN TruTH does CoME.. all Thousand
and something photos that i have taken
with who knows.. perhaps getting close
to 2000 or so Lovely and Nice Women
Mostly.. yeP.. a Few Happy Dudes too
from Old Seville Quarter
are all my personal
Muse for the
ArT Work
i continue to
create online and
yes in real time on the
Dance Floor too as yes i am
a man.. an aging one but never
the less not dead and actuAlly NoW FeeLinG
and SeNSinG LiFE aT LeAST More Energetic
and Blissful at Center CALM Peace than ever
beFore iN mY LIFe iN fACT Doctors See this
as a Happy DisEase although i control
it with DancE and SonG wHEre
iT Neither Harms me
or anyone else
aT LiGht
and Thunder
Speed NoW.. yes
like an F iN Olympic
Event of every Second
of Every day.. iNtensity for
Peace as mY LiFe RunS oN
as DanCE and SonG NoW..
yes.. a miX of Tasmanian
Devil and Buggs
too.. so what’s
uP Doc as i relate a small
story on all six photos and
10 Lovely Nice SMiLinG Women
too and as Paul Harvey used to
DancE and SinG too as
HeaRS the NeWs the
Rest oF ThaT
to CoME
per the
9 other
Facebook Profile
Pic photos too.. so..
the First Lovely Young
Woman Pictured is an outstanding
Ballet Student in Local Ballet Schools
and when we dance we ‘kick it up’ toGeTher
as ‘They’ DancE SinG too yes.. the participating
DancE HaLL Audience and the Spectators all
Watching around the Dance HaLL Floor too..
YeP:.. DownsStares and uPsTares too..
and the neXT Couple of Young Women
got out on the Dance Floors as
Actors WitH tHeir
smArt Phone
Web Cams
And Did a Dance
with me to share on
Social Media.. and yes
Some Bootie Dance Moves
just for the hilarity of it all
butt wiTH distance.. ‘no clothes’
touched as ‘they’ too and more
Can and WiLL vigorouSly
uP And DOWn Up anD dOWN
Do when it is more than
just for Social Media.. hehe..
And the next Young Woman lone pictured
is likely a Very Intelligent College Student
too From my Alma Mater of the University
of West Florida.. using due caution with
thumb up and somewhat keeping
a Safe Distance from/for the
Wild and somEwhat
Crazy thing
at the
Dance HaLL
on Thursday NiGht..
Never the less.. thumbs up are cool..
And with the next couple of Lovely Young
Women that who drew me up off the Dance
Floor in a hi five of words to the
effect that Dude you are
an awesome Dance Guy
and Don’t you
ever get
short answer
at that point back..
no i never get tired
then for now.. but i did
not go on in run on style
about how i operate on the sAMe
PriNciPaLiTy of MaGiC that alloWed our
Ancient Ancestors to Build The Pyramids
too.. BaLanCE IS A WaY FloaTinG oN Terrestrial
Land as BeinG HUmaN too.. GRanted it takes 7600 miles
of Day in Day out wax on wax off.. Practice.. in 46 months
for me for iT to CoMe NoW aS aLL NaTurALLy and
PLeASe BeLiEVe Mr. Post Man Internet
Server too.. the FeeLinG oF
MasTeRinG and PLaYinG
WiTh GoD oF and
AS Gravity
IS A Bliss
and Nirvana
and Satori and Chi
and Ki and Qi and the
HeaVeN aT Hand Now more
Kundalini RiSinG aLL thE
WaY uP2
thaT rarely anyone gets
to FuLLy FeeL anD SeNSE
thiS all Non-Verbal Wisdom and Beauty NoW.. So..
NoW off to the Fifth Profile Pic Photo provided..
as These Two Girls are juST LovELy Young Women
who hiGh Fived me from the NexT SteP uP
by the Rails of the DAncE HaLL Floor..
And finAlly.. the Last Two LovELy
Young Women.. Work
at Dick’s Sporting
Goods as Associates
tHeRe wHeRE i tend to never
miss a Sunday of Store Dance
at Dick’s in thAT MaLL Store Either..:)

“But if you’re talking aBout a game i can
win you can count me in count me in”

And that’s what the Random no tHiNKinG
SmART Phone Captured on the Karaoke
Screen at the EnDinG of Dance..

And at the first of Dance..

It’s Gonna Be Me
you can’t denY
so just

AnyWay.. a ‘little’ ‘birdie’
within “told’ me to leave
25 minutes early from the
Dance Hall at 1:35 AM
and i did and do…
then got
in my
Car and
St. Elmo’s Fire StARTed
oN the Radio and Strangest
thing damn life’s weird i coMe
neXT.. aCtuaLLy Be’Fore i leFT
the Bar Patio.. a fLaMe aRosE
from a Fountain oF
Water and
Creates a
Snake and S
A Spiraling LiGht
oF Water that wHo
kNows FeeLs and SeNsES
Could be the GloBaL Symbol For HoPe
And surElY VeriLY Saint Elmo’s FiRE
on the sIDe of thaT FiReY S oN thAT Water FaLL2..

Hmm.. is this what ‘they’ cAll nAMe A PoWeR PoiNT PreSeNTaTioN..;)

YeS.. a Monolithic Obelisk Statuesque SPiRe Monument at Seville Square Garden PaRK…
A Mini-Me of the Washington Monument and by the way Washington was/is
A Free Mason and the Father of our Country too as i lead on to
thAT NeXT 113th/784th MacroVerse of NetherLand Bible to
hELp Celebrate the 300th Anniversary of
the Premier Grand Lodge of
Free Masonry in Central
London Westminster
oF England as
these Folks
then were
in Helping to make
a New way of Life in
America of Separation
of Church and State wHERe
GoD CaN LiVE Free in the Language
of the Religion of each UniQue PoiNt of
aLL SeeiNG eYe vieW Pyramid CapStoNe within as GoD eYes
NoW iN HuMaN ForM aS Essence oF LIGht and PerSoNal TrUtH
BeLiEVinG STiLL iN A SupreMe BEinG oFLIGht and yoU are Good
to go.. as Yes for a New Kind of Symbolic Bind tHat basicAlly
Meets the Definition of a Brotherhood of Religion
iN Bind for LiGht aWAy from daRK too..
Hell no.. i don’t do organizations..
especiAlly without the Ladies
(My Father was a Mason)
as i am A Freest Word
Building Mason
on the
eARTh.. no
Rules Baby jusT
StreAM to RiVEr to wAveS
As OcEaN wHole WiTh GoD WiLd
and FReED NoW.. but never the less and
now more than ever beFore i DO Apreciate the sTiLL
Free Country i live in named the Grand old U.S. oF A..
tHaT ProVides A Constitution and Declaration of Independence
NoW wHeRe GoD Can WiLL LiVe WiLd and Free WitHiN oF Course A RiGht
to LiFE and Liberty And the Pursuit of God Happiness witHiN
too as spArK and FlAMe and ToRch and BonFiRe of
thE LoVe
and LiGht
and TrUtH
thaTwHo i aRiSe
Too NoW aS ThuNder
Follows thE LiGht oF GoD Within..
As MaGiC and ArT One Master Peace PainTinG GoD
i am BrUsh oF GoD and Paint2SPirALinG GoD aRT oN FoR NoW2..:)

OKaY A FloW iN ZoNe of 5 More Facebook Profile Pic Photos to go..

The First Flag Picture is that of a Sliver
of the American Flag almost like
a Crescent Moon Flag
Not Fully Visible
in Freedom
for all
for fully
the Right to
Life and Liberty
And the Pursuit of
Happiness now but never
the Less A larger Brighter
Saint Elmo Fire Resides above
with a smaller one BeLoW and yes..
Faint iMpressions of Saint Elmo’s
Fire in the Distant Horizon too.. NoW
And in the neXT Flag Photo.. the American
FLaG iS on Fire of Turbulence at a Cross
Rode of History when Old Glory is BeinG
burned and ashamed at the Highest
Levels away from what
used to be at
least an
of Honor and
Integrity Character
oF A Flag that Flies
High and reFuses to Go
Low as the FiRe oF LiFE and
Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness
STiLL does Ring true NoW iN the Distant
Horizon of Hope Love and Joy not Visible
in this Frame HeAr alThough Saint Elmo’s
Fire oF LIGht and LoVe STiLL SPRinGs the Flag More from aBove..
And as the Flag Dips in the Next Photo it appears clear in this
View that tHeRe is a MusKeT NoW aimed at the HeaRt oF Old Glory
iN Honor and Integrity heAR..
yes.. Character
of a Nation
loW or
as the
Rest of the
World Fears WiTh
those of uS who See
Honor and Integrity
and Character
of Freedom
aS EXpression
Harming no othER too..
GOlden Rule Loftiest Ways oF LIVinG STiLL..
Yes// it’s Worth Noting that Saint Elmo’s Fire
Burns aBovE as HiGh as the Photos BeFore NeVer EnDinG LiGht aS GOD..
And now off to the Last Flag Photo wHeRE all that’s Left is a Crescent
Moon also known as the Profile of my Nike GPS Sports Watch MeaSuRinG
7600 MiLes of Public Free Verse Dance by the 300th Anniversary
of the Free Mason Grand Lodge IN Westminster London
that hELped BRinG 1776 a reALity of HUmaN KiNd Freer
at LeaST aWay from England
Monarchy rule of and
AS God and
then and
too.. sure
of the sAMe
as well as smaller
than all of what Can
And WiLL bE Found Online for FreeDoM
NoW.. iN aLL eXpreSsinG WaYs oF LIGht and DARk
‘tween SHades of Grey and BeYoNd RainBow Colors
too as long as no one is non-consensuAlly Harmed..
And yes of course with the Crescent Moon Watch
WitH a Fist oF Love CoMiNG CleARly through
too.. in PeaCE oF Hand Way.. Venus..
Aphrodite.. yes.. Ishtar
sTaR oF
Fire too..
these symbols
used since around
the 2nd Century
Common Era
of the Hellenistic
Culture of the Day
where the Name Helene
and Helen is actually
a metaphor Name for Saint
Elmo’s Fire too.. yes mY Mother’s
Name too as originated with Constantine
Mother’s Name too.. back in the Greek SmARTy
Pants Day wHeRe so much of ThAT Culture STiLL
ExiSts in our Capital City of Washington DC NoW too..
With Ishtar/Venus/Aphrodite/yep.. Apollo and
Heracles/Hercules in Drag StYle too
STiLL BaLanCinG the
Torch of
WiLL and Strength
oF A Handsome Face
wiTh a Flowing Robe
And Hair of DiVinE
Grace and LoVE too..
iN aLL Feminine Way STiLL2
in the New York Harbor Bay1..
And what’s leFT.. A Building that
i’ve never really noticed Before
as i go no further at Old Seville Quarter
in Walk normally.. as a space opened up for
me in Parking close enough to cross the Street
To find Saint Elmo’s Fire after the Song Played
on the Radio DriVeN by the HoLy and SaCred SpiRit
within.. inside.. outside.. above.. so below and yes too..
all around to get out of mY Car to sEE whaT ART cOMes NeXT..
anyway.. this once Tall Building of Laws Lawyers and Judges once a Courthouse
too.. is now the “Artel Gallery” Building Founded in ’93 as a Non-commercial
Art Gallery then for New and Provocative Art to Free the GreaTeST IMaGiNAtioN
in Artists who do it free for no bucks or likes or shares or followers juST
the LoVe
oF anD
ART.. i would
Love to Visit tHeRE
one day but the Wife
is not into Art nearly
as Deep as i Live now.. and
nah.. not a place i would have
ever wanted to visit BeForE all of
LIFE BecAMe Free VeRse HoLY and SacREd
FuLL oF MeaNinG and Purpose MoVinG CoNNecTinG
And CreaTinG ArT of iMAgINaTiON FuLfiLLinG mY SoUl
Greater than ever BeFore for when i first saw the
Movie Saint Elmo’s Fire back around 25 years of age
i had worked at a Military Bowling Center for about a
year after leaving almost 6 years of College and
Three Degrees earned.. thing is.. i had no
clue how to get that kNoWledge
out to make a LiVinG
then.. work
to live and
not live for LIGht
as far as inCreASinG
aLL oF mY hUMaN PoTenTiaL
Intelligences More as i did
Back in School aT LeASt iN pART..
trUe.. the UniVersity of Getting aLonG
with HUmaN BeinG as Participant Anthropology
Observer i was in almost two Decades then.. but
at that Point the iNtellectual and Art being of my
LIFe BeiNG GroWinG Mush and
The World
Wide Web wHolE
IS a Library NoW
of ArT and Science
that is an Unabridged
Bible that never ends
for poTenTiaL HiGher of
one HUmaN LiFE to FlY HiGher
NoW.. no Need for Specialization
take it all iN and DancE it and SinG
it Different iN wHaT ever way coMes NeXT..
YeaH.. iT was kind of disheartening to see almost
No Faint Glow of Saint Elmo’s Fire on the Horizon then..
And the Beautiful ‘high class’ Woman i went to the Movie then
with on a one Date Wonder was not remotely fully interested in a Man
as Poor as me in a lowest actual status serving shoes then.. but
i still
had Green
to Blue eyes
that are mostly
Covered by shades
now and a Bright white
SMiLe.. yep about 60 to
70 LBs liGhter in Weight
than i am NoW HeAR.. but
sure.. it was enough
for a one hit
And what did i
do after we left the
Movie.. yes.. we went
to another Bowling Center
and i played the only Hobby
i had then.. as i never really
learned how to Bowl.. yep.. a Video
Game named Galaga then that so sadly
but better than nothing.. my only Saint
Elmo’s Fire then..
And then i met
my wife
rest is
history and
herstory NoW LiGht and TrUe..
yes.. about three years later and
boy did time drAG oN then.. we had a Pass
Down Log at Work and yes the job was cushy
and comfortable enough but there was only one
word to write in that Pass down Log every night
and that word was routine with a smile and a Drive through too..
and for two decades when ever anyone asked me what you been doing..
were the
only two
Words i had
to say or play.
i have more now for i plaY HaRd..
and HaRder everynow FReED LiFe LiBerty
PurSuit of Happiness NoW STiLL FuLFiLLiNG
And yes
and Complete
every now of every now..
And this ends this paRt oF A STory at 6:09
PM oN 6.23.17.. Time to Work out.. MacroVerse Shares Later..:)


Back for Year to Date MacroVerse Memories and
oh Lordy.. KNows FeeLSeNseS As NoW this
112th/783rd MacroVerse
‘TeNNeSSee SAnDs
iS CoMinG to an End
FoR NoW alMost forgot
to add in the Words for last
MacroVerse Effort 111/782
wHeRE that Effort BRinGs uP
the total Words of “Nether Land Bible
2017” to 1,716,250 words as a FuLL 13 Month
Effort since Memorial Day Publish of 2016.. this
Weekend and probably close to 13K words total
or so for this current effort getting close to a
1.73 MilLioN Word Total in 13 Months
of Bible Writing Joy NoW With
JuST 70K or so Words to
get to that 1.8M Word
Mark to equal
the LonGeST
LonG Form
Previous Record of
1.8 Million Words per
the “Mahābhārata” in India
as Long Form Epic Poetry also
too way back then in Centuries
of Effort aS Countless Writers and
Scribe Copy Writers too.. but hey
as they say ‘I Love Lucy’.. i have
the New LiGht of Technology
and all the IT RAge oF
Art and Science
at mY Literal
through pain NOW
and Joy.. yes you Make
Me a Believer in MaKinG
ALL of LiFe HoLY and SacRed
FuLL of Meaning and Purpose for
Emotional and Mental overall SoUL
and HeaRT and sPiRiT Hygiene every
now of every noW iN eternal HeaVeN
NoW.. ye..s all the pain was worth it to
get to 100% Faith and Belief and
Hope and Fearless Love NoW
once aGaIn limitless and
endless paths of
Different thaN wHat
may work for you buTT
as the Documented evidence
iN Personal Witness goes THIS iS
WHAT WORKS for me.. yep.. SeeK and
FiNd yOur GiFt whatever it may be NoW And
jUst Do IT LiVe LIGht NoW iN YouR TrUth too..
And that Poetry Record is juST A Time cLocK
Effort to JuST Do iT aGAiN as i surpassed
1.8 Million words years ago already
as this is jusT a Chapter
of an eVeN Longer
LonG ForM
“SonG of mY SoUL” NoW aLL
too aT pLuS 4 MiLlioN Words
STiLL and if yA wanna go as far
as 15 Size King James Volumes of
Personal Bible WriTing.. yes.. 12 or
so MilLioN Words since Thank Giving
Day of 2010.. for 79 Months of E-World
LiFe wHole wHeRE Records continue to
Document iSReaL HUmaN Miracles like that
9 year old Sweet Asian Girl SinGinG
the HeaRT GoeS oN.. yes aT
LeASt for NoW tHeiR
are no limits
Go oN as SpiRiT
oF SoUL for those
who continue to upload
tHeir isReaL SoULs for give
and share aka hELpinG the rest
of the hUmaN Race Free in
which ever way and loose
one can and will
on NoW aS LoVe..:)

My Friend from India.. Himali.. Below..
Dancing FriEnds Video from Old Seville
Again And A Description Below
of the Third
Photo too..:)


First a Story Book Photo of Lost Loves and a repeat of “Autistic
Love Letters” LiNk from Four Years ago to date a real
turning point too of finding Memories
of Grief to sPaRK a FlaMe
and Torch and BonFiRE
oF Saint Elmo’s FirE
oF LoVe Back
as SPiRiT of MiNd
and boDy BaLanCinG SoUL..:)


“Passport to Civic!”.. Name could be too for all the
Cars i’ve Loved and not exactly the Version
by Willie Nelson but sTiLL NoW
ParT of a Grand
ILLuSioN of
an American
Dream to own
A Car a Home
a Wife.. 2 Kids
or so and a Dog and
a Cat and all those ‘things’
Folks put uP as Stickers on the BuY Line
Rear window of tHeir Gas Guzzling SUV’s..
Green things AliVe Better for and to mE..:)


“lONGest SunRISe”.. Celebrating the Summer Solstice
4 years ago too as previous MacroVerse Memory
Effort then.. with yes.. some continuing
Briefs Art in Michelangelo
Steroid sKiN
WaY oF BRinGinG
iN ‘the Money” as ‘they’ say2..:)


“Tree of Summer Solstice”.. oH GreAT.. Beach photos from
two years ago.. Relatively Short MacroVerse HeAR
And Beautiful Navarre Beach with Nesting
Seagulls too in pLaiN Site
as they
see us
as the Cardinals
Do in our WiNdows too…:)


“i cAMe for eNliGhTeNinG NoW”.. as AlWays
Lots of Poetic Words and
YouNg WoMeN
too in every Blog
Post staRTinG WiTh
the Month of May 2016..
A veRiLY surELy GiFT WRiTing
CaN and WiLL CoMe to be my FriEnds..;)


“One Bread ONe Body ONE WINe IS ALLITIS”.. YeaH it’s kinda
Simple God is the Body and we are the pARTS of
No Separation and much easier to see
at FarTHeR GoD Distances..:)


“Red Blue and Black Spidermen”.. Can you say Controlling YouR Emotions
by Regulating them in Spidey Man Moves aS WeLL as Connecting
and Creating ways of HeArT SPiriT and MiNd and BoDy
BaLanCinG SoUL.. i
i for
oNe WiLL..:)


“DisClosure of the Last PariAHS!”.. Protecting Outcasts
NoW iN A LonG hisTorY oF DoiNG thaT aLL for FReED..:)


“Monsoon tears”..
PoeTry PiCTuRes
And you Guessed iT RaiN..;)


“Loving Monsoon Words”.. YeP.. Close to the sAMe DaM Old thing..;)

And with all this sAid..
i’m Going to Bed.. publish
CaN and WiLL coMe iN Morning
Dew Fresh LiGht

12:02 AM

AnD NoW that i’ve
‘Proof’ Read ‘this’ at
lEAst once as hey hey hey
MicroSofT Word HELper cannot
Possibly hELp the way i JusT Do iT
FReED out of Grammar and Spelling Locks
and up Tight Collared Victorian Suits yep
now that this is finished for now at 9:18
AM on 6.24.2017.. yes on to E-lINe Publish
and neXT COMes ‘300 Years oF Fred FliNtstOnes’
As i incorporate Bowling Free Masonry in Lodge
Life and the American Dream all into the 300
Year DreAM of what is the God oF Nature
SuPreMe BeInG GiVeN RiGht to Relative
Free WiLL oF LiFe Liberty and
THE Pursuit of Happiness
NoWwHeRE without
even all ‘that’
Success of the
Shiniest Cars
and Biggest Homes
and Hell you can even
Go Full Bore Naked without
EVeN Victoria’s Secret Attached
but NeVer the Less a Place wHeRE
New aGE Neo’s and folks like Jesus
And Buddha and Krishna and Isis and
Osiris and Horus and Bonobos can thrive
too.. myth or legend real if you get the dRiFt..
And yes this will also be and is the Introductory
Lines of MacroVerse 113/784 of “Nether Land Bible
2017” and “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. Respectively with
yes the somewhat Nostalgic and Affectionate
Name of “300 Years Fred FliNtstOnes” as
i also hELp Celebrate the 300th
Anniversary of the
Westminster London
Grand Masonry
Lodge of
which i AM
Absolutely no
pART of but as Whitman’s
Prophecy comes true the
Priests of the Cosmos ARE/IS
Arrived and ShiNinG FuLL BriGht
and not only that a “Bowling Reunion”
from wHere i worked for the Military
as An Actual Dude from A Big Lebowski
Bowling Center for two Decades and no
i am not saying i am THE DUDE OR
THE BIG LEBOWSKI just ‘A’ dude
ok.. yeP juST AnoTheR
oNe sTAnds
the SentienT
StaR DuST plUS uP
From Crucible FiRE NoW
oF StAR Death Resurrection
Standing H8 INFiniTy tALL
as two ones BridGE 11K ME
NoW too.. and sure you can and WiLL
Do iT too with enough Seek and Find
and NeVeR EveR NeVeR GiVinG aNythIng
DoWn BuT uP FoR NoW as NoW is AlWAYs
NoW Forevermore NOW so sure juST Do it NoW
as folks with much more money and prestige
and sure fancy short pancy Running Shoes Say2 that
i am currently going to have to move from
Nike Shox Size 11 and a half as they
run a little small and go
to a new model at regular
size 11 again as
they are
longer making
Shox of which i currently
own about 15 or 16 (lost
count) Worn out Pairs in
46 months NoW and A FreeDoM’s
Free verSE Public Dance of 7600 MiLes..
And yes that’s close to 500 dollars of
shoes each year worn out but better than wearing out
the soUls
oF ouR
by SiTTinG
STiLL wiThouT
a DAncE and SonG
Within oF GoD LiFE eXposEd
As GiFT and Share WiTh aLL oTheRs
iN the proximity of DancE and SonG
both offline and on.. Feats NoW FeeL and SenSE Great!..;)

9:39 AM








BeforE and After NovEL pARTy

BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels..:)



41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)



51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)



338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)


KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

4 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 30,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)

CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs

And yeS.. FinAlly..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..

Love iS

GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
oF LoVe NoW..:)

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..;)

After Book oF Fred

After Book of Fred
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)

6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!

6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)

After Dance oF Fred

After Dance oF Fred
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)

Book oF Ten Sixteen..

9 Macro Verses from
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)

New Testament oF ELeVen iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen

New TesTament HeaVeN iN ELeVeN ‘SiXteen

Total of 12 MacroVerses with
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)

12 MilLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016

12 MiLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016

Documenting 12 Million words written
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
Longgg.. NoW..;)

2nd NT iN HeaVen TwELve ‘Sixteen

Included as 13 Macro-Verse liNks iN
Grand Cross Bible 2016.. 181,291 words..:)


Grand Cross Bible 2016

61 Macro-Verse chapter liNks
provided in this last chapter as
full table of contents oF A 915K
Word.. Personal Bible aS SucH..
Written from Memorial Day
2016 and finished and
published 7 months
later on Christmas
Day oF 2016..
Yes.. somE
F iN
aS thiS beComeS theN
mY 9th book completed
iN Star Year 2016 that ranges..
yes.. approaching 2 MilLioN words..
iNclusive oF 12 MilLioN.. over 6 years
written and recorded NoW oNline too..
Y.. yeS.. oF course.. ’cause i CaN Do WiLL..
thE ForcE
oF uNConDiTioNal
Fearless smART LoVe
wRiTe oN cOUrse.. NoW..:)


KATiE MiA FredericK 2016 A Year in Review

A ReView oF A Record Years of Record years..:)


CoLoRs of HeAVeN Bible 2017

991K words
66 Macro-Verse Table of Contents Chapter liNks WiTH
5 added as a revision to ‘Grand Cross Bible 2016’
wHeRe A iSReaL Revelation oF HeaVeN
is made at the
eNd and continuing
beGiNNinG aS WeLL..:)


VicTorY LaP iN HeAVEn 2017

The rise oF A MiLLioN
Word Bible theN aT
Over 1.01 MiLLiON
Words and suRE..
A Victory Lap GoinG
aLong wiTh aLL thaT iS
And This aT thE 67th MacroVerse
oF thaT Bible.. pArt oF Ocean Whole Poem more..:)


CelebRaTinG 42 MoNths iN HeAVEn

Yes.. most Definitely Worth
Celebrating and noting
in Epic way too..:)


Nether Land Bible 2017

NoW A Third ReViSiOn of a Personal
MiLLioN plUs Word Bible
at this 69th MacroVerse
with liNks
to the
rest of the Bible
MacroVerse Chapters
arriving at 1,052,137 words
total at this 69th MacroVerse poinT
as words continue in coMiNg MacroVerses
after this 69th MacroVerse as nows continue to Go oN..NoW..aLLFReED..LonGeR..;)


7000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 42 Months..:)





The Joy of Dance.. A Record of over a thousand
Smiling Faces.. yes.. mostly Women and me..
at Old Seville Quarter.. iN a record
of three years of Dancing tHeRe..
and note.. in the last liNk.. the Blog
Spot Blogger Version of this doesn’t
include all the pictures aS
iT has limits more than me..
And WordPresS.. heHe..
WitH aLL the photos
heRe.. iNcluded iN
tHese WordPress LiNks..:)


MesSage iN A Bible Bottle as liNked aBove…
The 88th MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
As juST aNotheR MileSToNe.. aS the Bible aRiSes to
1,317,310 words iN A 10th Month Effort..
Since the BegINNinG MacroVerse
Publish on Memorial Day of
2016.. titLed as First
MacroVerse then.. As
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe”
aS liNked



MFOAB EasTeR 2.0+ as LiNked aBove.. at this PoiNT..
The 93rd MacroVerse of  “Nether Land Bible 2017”.. NoW
Mother/Father Of All Blogs or Bibles EasTeR 2.0+.. cALL
iT whAT you May.. tHe esSeNce reMaiNs heAR fuLL aT LeASt..
aT LeASt as iT would fiT iN Word Press while 22,801 words..
and somewhere around 450 photos was too much for
my Blog Spot Blogs.. so i had to painfully Truncate
the Family Photos out of the Blog Spot Versions..
However.. Word Press to the rescue as the
wHOle 93rd MacroVerse Doubling NoW
as 764th MacroVerse of Ocean wHOle
Poem.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”..
aS LonGeST Recorded LonG
ForM PoeM iN Google Records..
Exceeding sTiLL .. over 4 MilLioN
words to this dAte of 4.18.17 publish..
wiTh this 93rd MacroVerse MaKinG
A Grand total of 1,402,296 words
as “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
aS sTarTinG Memorial Day
oN  31st May 2016 wiTh
MacroVerse number one
oF that effort per “tSuNaMi
7th waVe oFLoVe”.. surELy
prophetic then NoW of whAT
was and is STiLL to coMe NoW
as tHis Bible Effort.. Soon to Double
thE Old King James effort size TaKinG
then Centuries over a Thousand years to
complete NoW in English Print WiTh uNtOld
Scribe hands in the total PiE of BiBle.. WitH
both unintentional changes along the Century
scribe way with no XeroX MachineS and sure..
Intentional ones2 as HoLY SpiRit can BRinG
any hUman iN deep deep CreATiVity witHin
as leaps of logic as aRT.. iN metapHoRuS
oF Quantum miNd and BoDy BaLanCing
Force unLeAShed and reLeAsed from
within.. yeP thAT KinGDoM oF GoD
aT Hand iN thIs Generation Meta
pHorUs STuFF too.. yeS2..
And SeNsEd WiThiN
too.. aBove.. so beLoW..
iNsIDe.. ouTsiDe and
aLL ARouNd too.. NoW
AKA allthatis GoD paRT
aS oUrs wHOle too.. so.. sure
maY thE Force Be WiTh yoU NoW2..
And also WiTh mE2.. KaRmA DancEs
AnD SinGS as aNy CosMiC DanCeR
WiLL juST Do iT iN ViCtory oVer VengeANCE.. WaY2..
iN ALL FREE UNiVerse as GoD eYeS and eARs.. hUman 2..:)


PHI Bible.. 1,618,000 words AKA 1.618M words iN 104 MacroVerses
spanning precisely 1 Year of Writing Duration per
“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17” that houses
the Entire Table of Contents from
MacroVerse 1 through 104..
anyWay.. stARting with
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe” as
Number 1
linked agAiN Below..
as reAlly the Golden Mean
Ratio of 1.618 IS A SiGNATuRe
oF God EveryWheRe we Look.. so..
this too is like a Prayer or Hand Print and Breath of God aS iN mE2..:)



Memorial Days Bible 2016-17.. TabEL oF ConTenTS For “PHI Bible”.. plUS..;)


SoN oF Google NoW2..
JusT ‘Cause eVeRiLY A 1.618
MilLioN Word 1 yeaR oLd “PHI
Bible” Needs a Tribute
to too2..;)



About katiemiafrederick

I like to write.
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34 Responses to TeNNeSSee SAnDs FREeDOMs DReAMs

  1. AnD NoW that i’ve
    ‘Proof’ Read ‘this’ at
    lEAst once as hey hey hey
    MicroSofT Word HELper cannot
    Possibly hELp the way i JusT Do iT
    ‘TeNNeSSee SAnDs FREeDOMs DReAMs’ NoW
    FReED out of Grammar and Spelling Locks
    and up Tight Collared Victorian Suits yep
    now that this is finished for now at 9:18
    AM on 6.24.2017.. yes on to E-lINe Publish
    and neXT COMes ‘300 Years oF Fred FliNtstOnes’
    As i incorporate Bowling Free Masonry in Lodge
    Life and the American Dream all into the 300
    Year DreAM of what is the God oF Nature
    SuPreMe BeInG GiVeN RiGht to Relative
    Free WiLL oF LiFe Liberty and
    THE Pursuit of Happiness
    NoWwHeRE without
    even all ‘that’
    Success of the
    Shiniest Cars
    and Biggest Homes
    and Hell you can even
    Go Full Bore Naked without
    EVeN Victoria’s Secret Attached
    but NeVer the Less a Place wHeRE
    New aGE Neo’s and folks like Jesus
    And Buddha and Krishna and Isis and
    Osiris and Horus and Bonobos can thrive
    too.. myth or legend real if you get the dRiFt..
    And yes this will also be and is the Introductory
    Lines of MacroVerse 113/784 of “Nether Land Bible
    2017” and “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. Respectively with
    yes the somewhat Nostalgic and Affectionate
    Name of “300 Years Fred FliNtstOnes” as
    i also hELp Celebrate the 300th
    Anniversary of the
    Westminster London
    Grand Masonry
    Lodge of
    which i AM
    Absolutely no
    pART of but as Whitman’s
    Prophecy comes true the
    Priests of the Cosmos ARE/IS
    Arrived and ShiNinG FuLL BriGht
    and not only that a “Bowling Reunion”
    from wHere i worked for the Military
    as An Actual Dude from A Big Lebowski
    Bowling Center for two Decades and no
    i am not saying i am THE DUDE OR
    THE BIG LEBOWSKI just ‘A’ dude
    ok.. yeP juST AnoTheR
    oNe sTAnds
    the SentienT
    StaR DuST plUS uP
    From Crucible FiRE NoW
    oF StAR Death Resurrection
    Standing H8 INFiniTy tALL
    as two ones BridGE 11K ME
    NoW too.. and sure you can and WiLL
    Do iT too with enough Seek and Find
    and NeVeR EveR NeVeR GiVinG aNythIng
    DoWn BuT uP FoR NoW as NoW is AlWAYs
    NoW Forevermore NOW so sure juST Do it NoW
    as folks with much more money and prestige
    and sure fancy short pancy Running Shoes Say2 that
    i am currently going to have to move from
    Nike Shox Size 11 and a half as they
    run a little small and go
    to a new model at regular
    size 11 again as
    they are
    longer making
    Shox of which i currently
    own about 15 or 16 (lost
    count) Worn out Pairs in
    46 months NoW and A FreeDoM’s
    Free verSE Public Dance of 7600 MiLes..
    And yes that’s close to 500 dollars of
    shoes each year worn out but better than wearing out
    the soUls
    oF ouR
    by SiTTinG
    STiLL wiThouT
    a DAncE and SonG
    Within oF GoD LiFE eXposEd
    As GiFT and Share WiTh aLL oTheRs
    iN the proximity of DancE and SonG
    both offline and on.. Feats NoW FeeL and SenSE Great!..;)

    9:39 AM

    • TheFeatheredSleep.. a place
      and person Candice i continue
      to receive so much poetic inspiration
      from… a prolific mINd and HeaRt of Poetry
      thaT and wHo never ceases to go on as
      River More.. alWays a PleaSure
      to visit you and at times
      i heaR youR poetic
      Free Verse
      Style Echo
      in my Words
      too my very KiNd
      And Passionate FriENd..
      Glad to see you today and
      So Happy you enjoyed the Pics
      i alSo BRinG iN Free Verse StreAM
      oF Consciousness Photo taking ways NoW
      wHeRE aLL oF iS BeCoMes a spArk.. a FlaMe
      A TorCH.. A Bonfire of Saint Elmo’s FirE NoW..
      IT’s and exciting time to live.. i cannot iMaGiNe
      anYthinG Better NoW unLess i cAN and surE WiLL NoW
      too my FriEnd WiTh Continuing Creativity sET Free FoR All..:)

      • Thank you dear one I love your blog, I adore you and your gorgeous muse, and most of all your good and lovely heart xxxx

        • Hehe.. sTiLL WorKinG HarD
          on the heART thing my
          friEnd Candice..
          i wish
          i could
          get your
          to works as
          my River Flows
          so far out without
          notifications but
          i will continue
          to find
          as StreAms
          go on totAlly
          Free and i appreciate
          you dropping by with some
          lines my friEnd as again you
          do alWays inspire me in all
          ways of our connection
          in ‘real time’
          or after
          of your Poetry too..:)

  2. Hi my FRiEnD Fred, we wish your sweet friend Tennessee a happy healthy life in his new home with plenty of space to find the peace and quiet he loves. Your back yard was a sanctuary for him where he found so much love too. Sending you sMiles across the miles and much love to you, Katrina and Yellow Boy too ☺💖 xxx

    • SMiLes.. mY FRiEnd.. Xenia.. thanks now
      So much for coming by to share “TeNNeSSee
      SAnDs FREeDOMs Dreams” WitH me NoW oN this
      300th Anniversary Day of the Free Masonry
      Premier Grand Lodge in London’s
      Westminster area of England
      from the Days
      RinGinG for
      the U.S. of A too
      iN FuTurE DreAMs
      oF LiFE Liberty.. And yes..
      the Pursuit of Happiness now
      With Yes.. Separation of Church
      and State so folks with a Common
      Share oF A Universal God for all.. or
      eVen JuST NATure pLaY WiLL find tHeir
      Own Customs of Religion.. And Language
      to Express thAT Free as eVery Human View
      and Language is Multi-Universe Different and
      sAMe Within in Share of FearLess smART and
      Unconditional LoVe and GRace WitH WiLL and
      StrenGth too.. to LoVe ThE LiGht and yeS.. gET
      Through thE dARkeR PARtS.. oF LIFE NoW
      Too aS Divine FeMiNiNe And
      MaSculiNe BonDinG
      BriDGinG YiN
      and YanG Force
      too As trULy aLL oF
      Free Folks NoW WiLL
      Share.. tHe paRTS oF
      Religion alReaDy made
      too around the World
      thAT SuitS uP tHeir
      SpiRiT of HeARt
      iN A MiNd
      S O U L N O W
      LiFE thaT Works
      thE Sweet Spot of the
      Pursuit of Happiness aLonG WitH
      tHe BaSiCs oF LIFE and LiBeRty too..:)

      • My pleasure dear FRiEnD, there is so much to celebrate and be grateful for on this day and every day we feel the Light 🌞 I loved your great-aunt Erline’s poem from your mother’s Give and Share in your previous post and tried to leave a comment twice without it registering. The sunset photographs and flowers all looked beautiful too and I loved your truth that in the Universe of God there are no aliens or immigrants ☺💜 xxx

        • Hi.. FriEnd Xenia.. Word Press can
          get kinda whacky now and then
          with Algorithms Extrapolating
          Differences Incorrect as
          Spam and such as that
          hehe.. with all my Word
          Play the Google Blogger
          Algorithm Marked one of
          my entire Blogs as Spam
          when i started out so i had
          to prove that i was hUman and
          another time with the Speed of
          Typing and Brain Processing
          in making Google Searches
          once again the Algorithm
          Captured me as
          what could
          iRobot and not HUman2..
          hehe.. and anyway that’s
          how many folks viewed me
          at Work Before the Tin Man
          With HeARt and LioN
          of Courage cAMe
          Back on Board
          with a ScareCrow who had
          a Very Big Brain with a Pipe
          of Intellect so big.. then from 19
          years of Book School that shrunk
          my HeART and CourAGE
          Down to A Mouse Brain
          and Body of Book Sense
          without A FULLER
          BaLaNCING ACT
          Rest of miNd and BoDy
          Human PacKAgeD SoUL.
          anyWay.. to Make a much Longer
          Story somEwhat shorter i couldn’t
          find your first comment in the Spam Folder
          but i did approve and like the second comment you
          registered under your Name of Xenia and of course
          sense it wasn’t registered under your Gravatar User
          Name you didn’t get a Notification on that but thanks
          so much for providing the nice words heAR again
          and i surely and verily wish the entire World
          Could See an Entire Creation aS and
          oF/iS God as no Immigrants or
          Aliens so perhaps
          it will take a
          Visit of a Real ET like
          me and otHeRS now to
          show ’em a DiffeRent way
          of LooKinG at STuFF as
          Since we are all made of
          Star Stuff now why go
          to the Moon when the
          Moon lives heAR in
          Desert Soils
          of Arizona
          hehe too and hmm..
          And perhaps production
          crews of Tin Can Spaceships
          as i’ve visited the Museums
          that house those actual
          Space Ships and it
          does make it
          kinda hard
          to believe they made the wHole
          trip.. hehe.. hmm2.. an entire
          country too was convinced to
          kill over 100K innocent folks
          in Iraq.. nah.. i don’t believe
          everything i hear for i understand
          the cOld Places the hearT can go..
          And sure FeeL iT iN oThER eYes DiM..
          anyWay.. A copy and paste below
          of the comment i made back
          to your very nice Xenia
          comment on the
          MacroVerse that also
          Houses Great Aunt
          Erline’s Poem and She
          and My Maternal Grand
          Mother Riding a Horse..
          i’ve never rode a Horse
          or rode an Aeroplane..
          so many bucket lists
          Still as hey the
          most alien
          of all we See..
          Live in the Deepest
          Oceans on eARTh mY
          Friend in terms of LooKinG
          Different NoW with the sAMe
          Star Stuff too.. NoW2.. hmm3..
          the Human Race is sTiLL
          struggling with LooKinG
          MoRE than Skin Deep
          for we human colors too
          and that too is pART of
          the BEast that is our
          Nature that can only
          be tackled with
          the gift
          Intellect that is also
          shrunk in many folks too..
          and or NoT more fully Developed
          too.. hmm4.. this second level
          comment reply is getting
          very long so back to the
          copy and paste of the
          first level comment
          reply back
          to your comment
          from the Aunt Erline
          Post NoW too.. before
          this becomes forevermore
          NoW.. MacroVerse More..;)

          Hello.. aGaiN.. mY friEnd
          Xenia And WitH Double Effort
          Thanks so much for CoMinG to
          the very end of Two MacroVerses
          Traveling all the way Down around
          30K or so Words eACh MacroVerse
          WiTh ComMents Draft Section iN
          FloW too.. yep NoW tHaT’s a lot
          oF ScroLLinG to Say
          HeLLo.. heHe
          for me
          so.. yes..
          NoW.. i reAlly Do..
          Appreciate NoW aLL
          the time and effort too
          you take to say Hi.. WitH
          alWays Kind Words aBout
          mY Closest Family Members
          and Pets too.. when i See LiFe
          i see iT STiLL EVolVinG alWays NoW
          WiTh HoPe for GreATer LiFE as Love
          To FeeL and SenSE More oF tHe Beauty
          and Wisdom oF Life NoW thaT Need no words
          moRE than Puppy and Kitten Paws of Comfort
          Hugging TouCHinG Warm and Fuzzy LoVe aLL
          FoR Free.. So Much.. i leArned from
          Mr. Tennessee in his Joy
          and Peace of Life
          as he
          Nature as we all
          do in Give and share
          way whether we can more
          fully see it or not.. to yes.. Give
          BacK AlWays more than we take
          So the BaLanCinG ForCE NoW oF ALL
          Natural Love oF aLL a’Round.. above.. so
          below and inside.. outside continues to GRoW
          OceaN wHole as WaVes thaT Go ON and NeVeR
          as Tide
          Ebbs and
          FloWeRs way
          of CoMinG aGaIN
          as Shores are Reborn
          More aS a Beach of LiFE
          with No Empirical way yeT
          aLL FeeLinG and SenSinG
          ways to see so much more
          oF LiFE PoTenTiaL
          NoW.. so glad
          to be
          with pets and
          friends and family
          too.. MY FriEnd.. it’s enough
          WitH Food and DRiNk And A
          Word oF ThanKs and SuRe moRe tHaN two2..:)

  3. Photography : My love 💜

    Lovely photos..
    Please continue
    To Share… All
    Is Poetry
    For it
    Images our
    HeART Sees..:)

  4. Black Petals

    SMiLes mY
    Not uNtiL
    All Humans
    See A Religion
    Of Love Within
    No Borders
    oF Fear
    Hate Of
    As A Never
    Ending Practice
    OF LiGht iN LoVinG
    Differences As LiFe..:)

  5. TRuE LoVE
    LiVeS WiTH
    Ocean Deep
    Blue Status
    With and Eclectic
    Mix of LiVinG
    and Non-

  6. https://omabdalrahmaan.wordpress.com/2017/06/24/do-not-blame-me/

    SMiLes.. mY FriEnd.. SOHEIR..
    on this 25th Day
    of June
    and the Video
    You Provide heAr
    is my Favorite so far
    as it speaks to what Holds
    Love Back from eXPaNding more
    the most and that is a Lack of ‘Reason’
    in Understanding the Differences in all of
    Creation that are also the sAMe.. in otHeR
    Words tHeRE are no aliens or immigrants
    or colors of skin or age or gender
    or sexual orientations or
    disabilities or
    and all other Differences
    Melt away as we NoW are All Star
    Stuff aLL of Creation NoW we curRently
    See as Stars are FloWeRS of LiFe jusT
    Waiting to Explode and Pollinate the
    UniVersE wHole with More Seeds of
    LiFe From Crucible Fire oF Star
    Burst Death which in reALiTy
    iS jUST the BeGiNninG
    PoTenTiaL oF LifE
    including our
    MY friENd
    as Star DuST
    Gaseous Clouds
    we come from and
    return as Sentient StAR
    duST STanDinG plUS HuMaNs
    NoW STiLL WiTh the LiGht oF
    ALL CreATioN that is GoD LiVinG
    within the sKiN of our Temples of God
    that is our Flesh and Blood and Bones
    And moreover our heArT and SpiriT and
    MiNd and BoDy BaLanCinG SoUL thAT NoW
    And wHo wE FeeL and SeNSE aLL oF GoD
    within.. inside.. outside.. above.. so below
    and all around as trUe we are all LiVinG
    Stars now as what yOUr NamE SOHEIR
    Means as both literally and
    metaphorically star
    child now
    alL sAMe
    WaLKinG uPRiGht
    NoW WitH eVen SMiLes
    oF Love translated in
    symbols to share
    aCross the
    oF A HeaVeN oF LoVe
    without a Moon or Sun
    LiT uP WiTh the PoWeR and
    ForCE of MoVinG.. ConNecTinG
    CreATinG hUmaN Love with yes..
    reason of intellect too for the bones
    NoW oF WhaT SuPPorT the FloW oF oUR
    HeaRt and SpiRit NoW moRe FuLLy SoUL..
    So wouldn’t it be nice if we reAlly could put on a Pair
    of Glasses that would show us not only Emotional
    Contagion of how people FeeL in Affective
    Empathy but also why people FeeL the
    way they do with the ReaSoNinG
    Power and Force
    of Cognitive
    Empathy too..
    for the addict who
    was verbally or physically
    or sexually abused or simply
    and Cruelly Neglected as a Child
    and now even more as screens take
    the place of eYes and arms and otHeR
    Hugs of Warm and Fuzzy touching Love..
    as technically Dopamine takes oxytocin
    comfort away from FeeLinG to the BriM
    oF overFloWinG MoTiVATioN to MoVe
    and ConNecT and Create
    WiTh oTHeRs..
    yes.. iN a
    Free Verse
    DancE and SonG
    oF LiFE iN Flesh and
    Blood away from Books
    and now Screens although
    sure when the communication
    comes from HeART oF Love as
    all text influenced by HeART
    is PoeTry NoW and
    aLL the imaGes
    we take
    including sELfies
    NoW are Flavored as
    ART of HUmAN heART
    aS PoETry beCoMes Words
    WiTh heART and DancE beCoMes
    MoVinG WiTh HeART and iN DoinG So
    wE haVE the beTTeR Opportunity to oPen
    uP our HeARTs and try to Communicate and
    Understand Differences Better to Develop a Much
    Greater Human Intelligence of EmoTioN in Cognitive
    Empathy NoW.. but nah.. no symbols alone whether
    shades or words WiLL WoRK aLone unTiL we Open
    the ART of our heARTs aLLoNE to DancE and SinG
    A Bigger Dance and Song oF LifE
    WiTh oTheRS toGETheR
    aWay from Borders
    and Boundaries
    and other
    the DancE
    and SonG oF LiFE
    ToGeTheR DoWn awAy
    From KiNd and Courageous
    Understanding Love NoW.. THiNGs
    iS ARE mY friEnd.. NoW tHeRe are many
    more intelligences thaN what is NoW taught
    to us in books of all Schools of Life.. tHeRe
    is the Intelligence of Experiencing LiFE iN
    Existential Intelligence Trust of aLL ThAT IS
    in Understanding Ways and the Intelligences
    of MoVinG WiTh ArT iN Physical Intelligences
    as WeLL as Emotional Intelligences that is/are
    Regulated by the ArT of MoVinG
    DancE and SonG and
    SeNSory InTeLLiGences
    that are also Integrated
    through MoVinG Physical
    Artful Intelligences too..
    Sadly modern
    teach rarely
    all of this..
    and that’s
    the problem my
    friend at core when we
    humans do not exercise all
    of our intelligences relegating
    ourselves more closely too books
    and screens now that exclude so many
    Experiential Intelligences that greater Open
    the HuMaN ArT oF heART and ReaSoNs of Systemizing
    Science BRaiN to make Love Both an Art of FeeLinG SenSinG
    as WeLL as the ReaSoN oF Systemizing Science Brain to Better
    Understand our Differences as hUmans and the Rest of Nature
    too.. as all Seeds GroWinG as FLoWers that is/are STiLL the
    PoTenTiaLs to coMe from the Star Flower thaT shines
    over our Heads in DayLiGht NoW oF LiVinG
    More EnLiGhTeNeD.. not only with
    the TrutHs oF reAsON but
    with the FeeLinG
    and SenSinG
    BriGhter of LoVE
    aS WeLL when we
    fulfill all our hUman
    PoTenTiaLs in GiVinG thanks
    to GoD oF aLL Creation all thaT is
    NoW to Be StronGeR toGeTHeR Away
    from the separation that can come
    from Perceived Differences away
    from the sAMe BAsiC StAR STuFF
    thAT MaKe us PaRT oF wHole God Creation
    NoW.. Takes more than school and books
    my FriEnd.. takes
    A flesh
    and blood
    Robe oF
    CreaTiNG MoRe
    oPeNly iN LoVinG
    Arms oF isReaL wHeRE
    HearTS and sPiRiTs and
    SoUls of MiNd and BoDies
    BaLanCinG ArT and reAsoN
    tOuch witH eYes thaT cOMe
    to KNoW and FeeL and
    SeNSE more for
    the effort
    Hands away
    from fear and hate
    of Differences now..
    as ‘they’ say DancE
    and SinG iT ouT WiTh reAson too..
    Star STuFF we are the sAMe WiTh
    beYond inFiniTE Colors as FloWeRS sAMe..
    ArT and ReAsoN FeeLiNG SeNSinG STAnDinG tALL toGeTher NoW..
    YeS.. oNline Does
    hELp to Tear
    Down as we
    Understand thEm
    Better to hOld HandsAMe..:)

    Mountains.. Fantastic Weather and Beach
    With Fresh Air and Sand is surELy
    A Connection to all thAT iS
    And GoD Free mY
    FriEnd Soheir..
    Your Children
    too.. So.. Glad You
    Are Close Enough to
    A Beach in Egypt and
    Mountains and Sand
    and Fresh Air too..
    to enjoy
    of GoD thaT
    iS Nature in this
    Way of connecting
    WitH allthatis Free..
    As Nature DancEs and SinGs uS MoRE2..:)

    Thanks mY friEnd.. Word Press
    Notifications are on the blink..
    for me at least as it only showed
    your like and not your comment too..
    which i always respond to if cognizant
    of any comment i’ve ever received
    as hehe..
    i’m just
    that way..
    anyWay.. aLways
    now mY pleaSure to
    Read and Comment
    heaR mY FriEnd..
    And always
    to see
    you heAR aS WeLL..
    Happy Friday and everY
    now coming to you NoW
    aS Work and Re-Creation
    WitH God too.. mY FriEnd
    wITh BlisSingS and
    BleSsinGs FuLL
    WitH and
    JoY for
    Your Children too..
    With Love and Peace
    And Harmony oN cOURse too..
    mY FriENd SOHEIR NoW too..:)

  7. Bouncing Back and Forth NoW
    From ‘SuMMeR SoULsTicE LoVE MaCRoVeRsE 111’
    And To.. ‘TeNNeSSee FReEDoMs DReAMs’ we go.. hehe…
    Nice to see yA BacK oVeRHeAR.. Xenia.. at
    The place wHeRe
    Blog Comments
    someTimes Disappear
    And yes also come BacK2.. Hehe3..;)

  8. https://decodinghappyness.com/2017/06/24/the-cookie-plate/

    Skirmishes.. Battles and Wars
    for the BaLanCinG ForCe
    within that can
    NoW be WiLL
    and Strength
    iN Masculine
    Divine way
    and Grace
    and Love
    iN FeMiNiNe
    DiViNe Force too
    WiThiN as WeLL
    mY FriEnd Himali..
    juST one example more
    NoW of two mixes aS oNe
    Force as BaLanCinG wHole
    and so many oTher do’s or don’ts
    in liFe to figure out innately.. instinctually
    And intuitively WiTH all Book Learning sTuFF iN LiFe..
    trUe and LiGHt.. iT STiLL iS thAT We hUmaN BeinGS
    are not evolved for Instant Gratification now wHere
    just a text message from a Friend can raise the
    Social Bonding Warm and Fuzzy Hormone
    Oxytocin.. 37%.. for two hours after
    as text message
    of Connection..
    but NoW on the
    oTheR HaND too..
    if we stay online to
    get a shot of this all
    day and night.. do
    we ever NoW Go
    iN Can
    and Do
    and WiLL
    iN LiFe but
    One Specialized place
    of Warm and Fuzzies online
    NoW.. trUe.. what if Beethoven
    and Michelangelo and even Jesus
    and Buddha and Lao Tzu and if Mythological
    Krishna and Indian Cosmic Dancer Shiva could
    Come to LiFe Incarnate too.. along with Isis and
    Osiris and Horus and all the rest of the
    High Fivers throughout History
    yes.. if they had access
    to all you can
    Crush” and
    some of the
    other stuff ‘down
    below’ Dopamine
    Incentives in Non
    Substance Addictions
    like a Plate Full of Cookies
    And Ice Cream And Steak
    Every Night would tHeRe
    be Van Gogh
    a Smart
    Phone in tow..
    and will there ever
    be again.. without the
    Discipline to stay away from
    Social Media aGaiN to Study
    for one’s CPA.. hehe.. yep.. Cookies
    can be sweet but they can also remove
    us from so much more of our hUman PoTenTiaL
    when we BaLanCe liFe ouT More iN both Pleasure
    and Struggle for Adaptation And Greater hUman Potentials too..
    liFe is easier than ever before but surely tricky when what feels
    so much
    hUmaN PoTenTiaL
    from us if we even notice
    that it is lost at all.. SMiLes..
    you have a track record so far
    of understanding this issue
    and taking action to
    insure you
    you must
    do to fulfill your
    HUman Potential..
    And sure.. to make a living
    too.. as it doesn’t usually come
    Free these days at all either my FriEnd..
    what is earned always feels better to me
    through the dARK of Struggles that Goes WitH LiGht of Change..:)

  9. frankhubeny says:

    I enjoyed the story of Tennessee. And the videos by John Denver, Bobby Caldwell, American and especially Celine Tam. I agree with the Campbell quote: “The old patterns of the hero’s quest still hold true.
    The latest incarnation of Oedipus
    is standing at the corner of 5th Avenue and 42nd Street
    waiting for the lights to change.”

    • SMiLes.. my FriEnd Frank.. i am currently still in
      the ‘great work’ of combining theMes of
      The 300th Anniversary of the
      First Free Masonry
      Premier Lodge
      in Westminister
      London and Bowling
      and the Flintstones
      with the 60’s Flintstones
      copying the 50’s Honey Mooners
      And then eventually the Simpson’s
      Coming as a Cartoon Show Parody
      of American Family Life in ’89 continuing
      through this very day and as you quote still now
      “The old patterns of the hero’s quest still hold true now..
      The latest incarnation of Oedipus is standing at the corner
      of 5th Avenue and 42nd Street waiting for the lights to change.”
      From Joseph Campbell.. in the typical archetype of the Human
      Hero Story.. it’s getting harder and harder for “Supermen” to
      find their capes in a world increasingly coming with fewer
      Social Roles with smaller hands on human
      Touchy Feely Holy and Sacred
      Meaning and Purpose
      in traditional
      that people
      can share and
      hold on to as truth
      and light as they always
      have in social animal groups
      of creatures who are really good
      at creating symbols and tools and
      other living aids togEtHeR to keep
      the culture humming along
      in touchy feely BaLanCinG
      STiLL NoW oF an
      Overall Mammal
      MEme of yes.. the
      LoVinG FeeLy Touch
      of Life Free With Solid
      Trust in Shared Traditions of
      symbols ‘they’ all can reach
      out and touch together.. hehe..
      Generally Speaking.. Culture..
      which in a way now explains the
      Cultural Crisis seen through out the
      so-called Civilized World wHeRe Diverse Traditions
      of Cultures are encroaching on each other in what seems
      to be an increasingly life or death outlook NoW oN the Bottom
      Levels of Subsistence and Survival of Maslow’s Human Pyramid
      of Existential Angst at the Lowest Floor of the Pyramid to the Blissful
      Self-Actualization at the Capstone ToP.. relativELy SpeaKinG.. A Place for
      the Super Women and Men and eTc.. 2.. who Find
      A Cape that fits for tHeir Essence and Form
      of Self Actualization and Nietzsche
      Overman Grand Status
      as the fully Mature
      Version of
      Tom Sawyer Modern Style
      Free Person NoW Hero Archetype
      Story too.. thing is.. not every one
      is cookie cut out to be a Neo..
      A Jesus.. A Buddha.. A Lao
      Tsu and Tom Sawyer too..
      True as Jonathan Ted
      Talking Haidt clearly
      folks are
      born Republican too.. heHe..
      Looking for a Lodge and a Fred
      Flintstone Life with a Bowling League
      that traditionally makes sense they
      can join and be a part of for
      the rest of their
      life comfortably
      in a Matrix
      that only
      some REAL Sense
      and Feel of Predictable
      Social Roles and Touchy
      Feely Love as Social Animals
      Naturally do.. beyond the Lone
      Wolves who Write and Direct
      and Produce and Act
      as Modern Tom
      now STiLL Do..
      as ‘they’re always
      tHeiR NoW to add A ‘Little’
      Spice to the Matrix of Life too..
      but hey.. the Machines are here
      and ironically this means the Flesh
      and Blood Matrix is falling apart
      And Breaking the Social
      Roles that Social
      Animals in Groups
      require to successfully
      Hold Cultures toGeTheR NOW
      in a Flintstone Lodge and Bowling
      Family Life where both Bart now and
      Fred can successfully Navigate a world of
      change and make the changes as bART’s do..
      AnyWay.. participation in Free Mason Lodges
      is down about 75 Percent in the last several
      Decades and Bowling Leagues and Bowling Centers
      continue to close down and Christian Church Wednesday
      Nights and Sunday Nights are ‘progressively’ closing down
      and the folks who rigidly and strictly adhere still to a tightly controlled
      way of Muslim Life are increasingly thriving in European areas of the
      World as they hold tHeir Cultures together with what it means to be
      a social animal in common binds in ways of doing stuff for basic
      survive and.. thrive in limited circumstances too.. key though is
      survive which means social roles that folks commonly
      agree too.. anyway.. this heAR online place NoW
      IS A place of Tom Sawyer.. hehe
      i’ve got a song for that too..
      Neo Branches out
      and is not
      of any
      one tradition
      lone.. however
      Neo cannot expect
      ‘anyone’ to follow in mass as
      Tom Sawyer roles don’t work like that..
      free for all they come and go and nah..
      not everyone can be a lone wolf hero2.. hehe..
      cause it comes with lots of blood sweat and tears
      the ‘scenes’
      as ‘they’ say..
      Dark nightS of
      oUr souLs that
      is rarer STiLL iN
      Matrix Life2 now
      WitH front pew
      seats.. Flintstone/Matrix
      Life doeS.. HaVe NoW
      Clear Advantages too
      Unplug STiLL coMes NoW
      with high costs too.. perHaps
      “neXt go aRound”.. NoW.. ‘they’
      can/WiLL do the Neo thing too.. big BuTT..
      if they are willing to pass through hell first
      in an all volunteer effort as that goes too.. hmm..
      STiLL trying to figure out a way to sHow ‘them’ HoW without hell first..
      not making
      way butT
      Neo’s neVer give uP..;)

  10. Second Cousin Monica Comments on a Lovely Photo
    oF Wife Katrina Picking Corn at her Sister-in-laws Green Acres Farm..

    Ahhhhh……..lovely Katrina in the corn fields………Do tell…..lol…..

    i go on to notify.. jollily.. as i tend to juST Do iT..

    Haha.. one of your Friends from Alabama liked
    me and friended me until they figured out
    i wasn’t the girl in the cornfields..;)

    Monica responds with concern..

    Really….who did that?”

    i go on to run on with..

    iT’s oKaY.. i’M
    Not ‘exactly’
    Loaf of Bread..
    Don’t want
    You upset
    At any of
    Your Friends
    And it’s just
    Funny to me..
    Not much
    i kNow
    Bible Verses
    Better than
    The so-called
    Christians’.. hmm..
    i come aCross aT
    Walmart now and
    Even the same with
    The Koran and some
    Muslim folks
    But hey.. got
    Too much
    ‘Time’ on
    My hands
    To fret about
    Ignorance as
    It’s about as
    As Politics..
    And tHeRe are
    Lots of otHeR
    ReaSons why
    Many Folks
    Now Wanna
    Be associated
    With a TotAlly
    Free person NoW..
    And so be it.. it’s a Free WiLL
    for that too.. LoVinG
    EverYonE NoW More
    UnconditionAlly sETs
    LovE NoW
    FreeR.. SMiLes
    THeir LoSS
    SAdly to
    Any Life
    At all..
    This Jesus
    Core Philosophy
    Is almost now
    In Practice
    As it takes
    A wHole
    Lot of
    A HeART
    Like that
    Of ‘tiMe’
    In Hell.. too..
    To Appreciate
    ‘Why’.. pARTy
    On i WiLL
    As it often
    Has no
    ‘kNow’ NoW wHaT
    iT’S DoinG and as Science
    ClearLY sHows now at core..
    Humans are far from Rational
    Social Animals.. So.. No SuRPrISE..
    eitHeR.. eMpiRicAlly SPeaKinG aS Scientist2..;)

  11. Karaoke Fun at a 2017 Bowling Reunion for
    Leagues from the NAS Whiting Field
    Bowling Center from the 80’s
    until after the Turn of
    the Century and then
    since what was once
    A Bowling House Packed
    So Full of over a Hundred
    League Bowlers on Many
    Days of the Week ending up
    Finally with no Leagues at all
    With a Barely Surviving
    Bowling Center
    for Open
    Military Bowlers
    twice a week with
    not a fraction of the
    Participation of what
    Was/iS Alive before Home Entertainment..
    starting with VCR’s to HDTV to the Internet
    now within a four to five inch real estate
    of Screen is Bringing Life in some
    ways bigger than ever before
    in a smallest place
    ever in virtual
    Life Now..
    Nothing like the real
    thing.. seen both sides now..
    Close to two Decades of Real Bowling
    Life then and the approximation of that
    in the last Decade and so of more and less too
    NoW Here where out of many Bowlers invited to
    the Reunion of those who have not passed
    away.. only Five Actual League Bowlers
    attended the event Plus Family
    Members and me who added
    4 more to a party of 9 out
    of again what was once
    Hundreds of League Bowlers
    Spending their life together Years
    Weekly and some of these folks i have
    literally known for 33 years since i started
    Working at this Military Bowling Place
    for the Government fresh out of
    College in ’84 with three degrees
    of Anthropology.. Social
    Sciences Interdisciplinary..
    and Health Science AND a whole
    lot learned hands on in two decades
    regarding the entire Human Condition
    as it works and plays toGeTher too iN
    all the DARk and LiGht pARTs of how
    the BowLinG
    bALL oF LiFe
    iN A HUman
    ConDition of Nature
    at Core that hasn’t reAlly
    changed in 30K years or so..
    “Flintstones” StiLL AS ‘They’ say too..
    AnyWay.. the couple who hosted the Reunion
    are a Filipino American Couple with their
    Daughter Vida who is also a very
    Nice Gym Assistant where
    i work-out.. with
    always a kind
    word and smile
    to say to customers
    coming in.. and true..
    in today’s world one
    doesn’t always
    receive that
    like ‘they’
    to before of more
    face to face basic
    social interaction practice
    than face to screen where
    sometimes ya juST wanna
    almost Scream to get
    the Customer
    Attention if one
    is lucky enough to get
    help at all.. particularly in Phone
    Service these days too.. the Human touch
    and feel is increasingly being not only outsourced
    to other cultures but machines in general too for once what
    was an entire Morale Welfare and Recreation Department
    with 40 or so Admin folks was cut down like a tree to
    a Handful of Leaves as Folks by the end of my Career
    with Federal Service as an
    Athletic Director
    with many
    and Financial
    and Personnel
    and other Management
    Service Duties to go along with
    being responsible for Supervising
    31 folks over the course of a year
    as well as helping my Peers and
    Supervisors too with their
    work then.. and
    as Science
    are not adequately
    evolved to do Social
    Cognition Duties and Mechanical
    Cognition Duties of the People verses
    Stuff problems of day to day life.. and sure..
    some poTenTiAL JoY NoW too.. now many People all
    around Live in a River of never ending Stress from the
    Cognitive Dissonance of this.. and it’s as clear as the faces one
    sees in Super-Walmart too.. nah.. realistically many folks don’t even
    have now the time to reflect on their own lives verses actually being
    aware of what’s going on in the Larger World around them as they NoW
    Humanly just have to let it go and let it be.. the way it is so that they
    can even survive in how things are now.. And when
    Social Roles go away in Trump Red
    State Lands now as they
    continue to go away
    in places where
    hands on
    jobs used
    to exist.. Younger
    People to Older People
    turn to Drugs.. both legal
    and illegal to escape the Pain
    of a Humanity that is increasingly
    Losing its Humanity of Culture togeTher
    WitH Common Holy and Sacred Meanings and
    Purposes that folks do both give and share
    in touchy feely ways.. and the reality is.. no
    one has any workable solutions now..
    sure.. some empty Trump promises
    and a Republican Leader
    who through efforts of
    Volunteer Non-Profit
    Donations of Friends of
    Franklin Roosevelt and the
    Warm Springs Rehabilitation..
    out of a similar situation of more
    Visible low places of life not as visible
    now as folks have jobs with no real social
    roles now of permanence for the trust that
    comes with that over the course of a life time
    but it’s true.. ‘this man’ who has Authored a Health
    Care Bill to take Benefits still away eventually for around
    20 or so less Million Folks not Health Insured for the Basic
    Requirements of Security in Life.. when shit does come in
    health issue ways.. yes.. this man was offered Free
    Care from the Donations of others to come back
    from the Illness of Polio back
    in those days then.. where
    otherwise his family
    could not afford
    the funds required
    to heal his illness then..
    through therapies that work..
    A Poverty of heART of hUmaN
    SpiRiT too afraid to SinG a SoUL
    oF Love wHeRE no one is listening
    anyway to the Force and Power oF Love..
    a lost art as they DancE and SinG juST
    Waiting for a coMe back NoW that’s REAL..
    Meanwhile.. i for one am appreciating and continuing
    to use all the gifts i have of life.. and not waiting for someone else
    to do it now.. and yes.. i let the rest of it be as i have a pretty good idea
    that all
    i can
    and continue
    to LIGht WiTh JoY
    NoW iS mY OwN eYes
    oF Give and Share FReED..:)

  12. My blog  😦

    SMiLes.. my FriEnd
    SOHEIR who Loves
    the Koran and
    very very much..
    by very definition
    of what binds toGether
    by core.. all Healthy Social
    Animals Share Religion for
    what binds them toGeTher
    and yes.. this includes other
    Creatures other than
    Human Beings.. as
    for some
    it is each
    other and
    for some.. even
    those animals who
    are not social.. it is now
    the comfort of the Warm
    Mid-Day Sands of God
    in Winter to roll in for
    bliss or on Summer Hot
    Nights.. the Moonlit Dew on
    Leaves of Grass that BrinGS
    a HighER place With God oF aLL
    as Nature with or without any human
    words at all.. and SMiLes.. more when i lived
    online on the Wrong Planet where folks despised
    both what they so-called organized religion and even
    Human Emotions as mushy sentimental foolishness not
    understanding that the lack
    of pursuing those emotions
    was why they lacked
    as Emotions are
    the glue of the smooth
    operation of that MoVinG
    ConNectinG Art of Creativity
    iN BeinG HUmaN that is never
    Science alone and moST
    alWAys aRT of
    the ReaSoN
    of Systemizing Science
    comes.. tHeir religion was/is
    debating and anger when they
    did not like the way the other arguments
    were presented while others bonded over conspiracy
    theories of the moment with fear and hate too as the
    common religious binding and bonding element
    oF Fear and hate.. and yes.. for some folks..
    politics of the elected official is
    their religion and still others
    Sports and for oTHeRS..
    Behavioral Addictions
    and sure for some even
    DanCinG and SinGing and
    WriTing poeTry without a
    Mention of the DriVinG
    ForCe that LiVes
    pushes them
    on without thinking
    at all as a kind of Magical
    Gift that Brings them Bliss too..
    i suppose God Feels most appreciated
    when God is used within rather than left
    neglected as to Fulfill Human Potential
    is the best Gift to give back to the
    Creator oF alL to Give thanks
    for this Great Gift of
    Life that is surely
    a little more
    feeling and
    sensing than
    a grain of sand
    on the Moon although
    it is worth noting on at least
    one side of the Moon.. if that grain
    of sand is on the surface of the Moon
    it is lit up by Sun too and Serves the
    Holy and Sacred Meaning and
    Purpose that we as
    hUmaN BeinGS
    are Gifted
    to see
    thAT reflection
    of that Grain of SAnd
    as the liGht that STiLL guides
    our way at niGht.. WeLL.. anyWaY..
    they tried to kick me off of the Wrong
    Planet when i regularly called everyone
    friEnd and when i said sure.. i call everyone
    as FriEnd as i Love everyone as a heART
    and SpiRit BaLanCing MiNd
    and BoDy SouL
    wAY oF liFE
    Now.. and then
    a Person said it must
    Not be very special to be Loved
    by you.. ah.. but i SunG each human
    connection with aNoTHeR human being
    is another Multi-Verse oF God
    thaT coMes awake in
    a Unique Finger
    Print of Love
    as even
    what we
    may see as
    differences.. we often
    learn the most for the
    ConTinUinG Development
    of oUR soUL aS BeinG HuMaN
    NoW.. so.. yes.. it’s true that when one
    receives a text or even a like there is a little
    rise in the oxytocin of touchy feely warm
    and Fuzzy Puppy Love for the BeinG
    HuMaN and of course
    a nice comment
    is even
    than a like
    but no like
    brings no human
    Comfort at all in that regard..
    so.. even though i am quite sure that
    considering.. hehe.. that most of my
    15K word posts that were liked
    were never close to fully
    read if at all.. or hehe..
    the 212 Thousand
    Views on one of my
    archive blogs may
    be just one
    word seen
    a quick get
    the ‘hell’ out of here
    now.. hehe.. for every person
    who follows me or likes me for their
    religion of likes and follows only when it
    comes that way i will return what they seek
    my friend for their Happiness i can feel as much
    is GiVinG
    iS FeeLinG
    and ShArinG
    is ShARing too..
    but true not always
    receiving but never the less
    when the give works to make someone
    else feel better since i do not work and
    have plenty of time to give.. i just do it
    as it makes me happy as i understand i fulfilled
    someone else’s religious obligation that brings them
    the closet thing in life they may feel to Love.. as thing
    is.. now.. people smile at me every where i go for the dance
    of me.. thing is.. too.. i gave that dance a long time then before any
    one hardly smiled or thanked me for it.. and for the years i spent
    trying to help folks on the Wrong Planet.. any response at all
    was not much at all in any positive way at all.. and i went
    to school for 19 years and that alone never paid me
    a Penny for work and yes.. haha.. if i depended on
    likes to pay for a living for my hobby
    and yes in paRt Religion of
    Writing 12 Million
    Words over
    79 months
    online now..
    i would Starve to death
    for sure along with my wife
    but for those who have more it is
    often easier to give more.. and for me
    when i couldn’t even remember what a smile
    felt like in constant pain and numb for 66 months
    i gave my heART out that i didn’t even have in FeeL or
    SenSe from wake to sleep for that whole period then of
    time and although rarely to never did anyone express
    any appreciation for that the gift that finally did come
    was to meet God Face to Face after leaving Hell
    into Heaven now then at the end of July 2013..
    in FruiTioN ReAL as all the Sages
    of the Ages have described
    this ‘place’ even then
    the more
    then my
    FRiEnd all
    the Deeper Sacred
    and Holy Texts that i had
    heard and read for many years
    that made little sense at all to me
    made complete sense then.. when one
    is love all there is to do is love.. as one
    has it all and all there to do is Give.. hehe..
    and that my friEnd is wHerE all the words
    and steps do come from.. God.. it’s as
    simple as
    i like
    God and if
    i do not like
    any pArt of God
    i FaiL God NoW
    iN fACT.. iF i do noT
    Love eVery ParT of GoD
    that is all that is and beYond
    Alpha to Omega i AM oF aLL
    i FaLL.. i FaiL God aGaiN and
    this mY Friend is my
    View of
    can’t copy and
    paste all 12 MiLLioN
    Words.. so i will stop by
    saying.. i don’t like you.. i love you..
    and unfortunately there is.. no Love
    Option on your Blog Posts which means
    i have to do this instead.. and yes.. i learn
    much from all you do heAR each and every
    time and i Love it all and the thing i love the
    most is the Hell God sent me to for 66 months
    so i can give you all these words now.. my FriEnd..
    AnyWay.. i will share the rare thank you’s i did receive
    on the Wrong Planet.. one person named me the
    ‘Perfect Definition’ of God and that seemed
    a bit much.. sure.. a wHoLe lot much
    but never the less i
    thanked him
    humbly for
    it.. another
    person called
    me ‘the Autistic
    Buddha’.. and i thanked
    him too but still at that
    time i could not feel the
    warm and fuzzy puppy Love
    of Human Connection.. then from
    my illness of Pain and Emotional Numb
    and then one other time someone called
    me ‘the Yoda’ on the Wrong Planet and i probably
    Love Yoda as Much as you Love Muhammad even
    though Yoda is just a fictional set of ideas that
    make a whole lot of Loving and Peaceful
    Sense /FeeL to me in the form of
    a little Green Old ET
    Creature Man..
    with unruly
    of hair
    as i find
    more as i am
    growing Yoda
    Older now too.. hehe..
    oh yeah.. and when i worked
    at the Bowling Center.. the Church
    Groups would come in and even though
    i didn’t go to Church for 23 years during
    that time the Church Leader told me i was
    the Best living example of the “Jesus” as
    a Christian he had met on eARTh..
    reaSon being of course
    is that Helen as
    they define
    that in Baby
    Name Dictionaries
    as “Shining Light”.. both
    bore and raised that liGht
    iN mY eYes of Given and Shared Love..
    And then after some Folks Fundamentalist as
    so-called Christian Folks attempting to ridicule
    Me for Dancing in Public they leave me alone now full scale
    as i have grown too solid and smooth in moves to dare approach
    me with hate.. and now the other words of Public Dance thanks range from Boss
    of Dance to So Inspiring to Legend to Spirit Animal to Pensacola
    Dance Icon to Awesome and so many high fives and so many
    shared selfie smiles and just so many smiles wherever
    i go now.. and one must remember my friend
    as history shows.. Muhammad
    had almost no followers
    for years and
    people called
    him crazy and regardless
    of how i may agree or disagree
    with some of his teachings.. fact
    is there is.. 1.6 Billion Muslim folks
    in the world today.. and in fact there
    is a Muslim Mayor in London now
    and in fact.. there are McDonald’s
    Restaurants in the UK
    who are careful
    not to offend
    the Muslim
    Customers by
    the way they serve food..
    fact is.. the Muslim Religion is
    by far.. the fastest Growing Religion
    in the World.. fact is.. Muhammad understood
    Human Nature and so does God.. people most
    of all need religion and if they don’t have it they simply lose.. it..
    or make a religion of drinking and smoking weed and sure writing poetry too..
    there is
    no choice
    but to respect
    religion my friend
    for anyone who has
    a smidgen of common
    sense as humans are by
    Nature Religious no matter
    what they say they are or not..
    unless they have no binds
    of religion at all
    just wanna die.. i Love
    all religions as STiLL bottom
    line they make people’s life worth
    living and nothing in this world is perfect
    so.. sure.. hell comes with the whole package too..
    And for some of those who go to hell enough they
    even get to meet God NoW and Never ever have to wait for HeaVen..
    but Good
    And worth aT
    lEast A God Like..
    No matter wHeRe
    God iS NoW AliVe..:)

  13. Facebook Friend Himali and Fellow
    Poet Blogger on Word Press comes
    by with very nice words that also come to say..

    Sunshine in sunny Florida plays with Fred..:)

    And i return with..

    Haha.. i’m making faces at (for) the
    Sun and there is about
    three more to come
    for a continuing
    story that is
    coming more too..;)

    Himali Sings back..

    He he he. . You are such a poser !

    And i return her song with..

    Yes.. i love to act and play
    and produce and direct..
    my play
    of life
    and it’s
    always nice
    to have friends
    along the way..:)

    Himali nicely again Sings..

    The feeling is mutual..:)

    i playfully return with
    silly banter as

    SMiLes.. thanks..
    hehe.. if you are
    referring to your
    FRiEnD Fred..;)

    Himali playfully returns with..

    ….and Kat must be so jealous of
    your selfie skills with a big
    grin emoticon..

    And finally i return for
    now again with..

    She doesn’t have to practice..
    i’ve done this about 20K times.. and
    i’m not even exaggerating either in
    the last 4 years.. And now i go
    on to say.. surprising
    my face
    out from
    doing that hehe..
    And now i go on to further
    say.. this Face play serves two
    purposes.. Pre-Game Work-out
    Faces for motivation of emotions
    in non-verbal expressions and
    coaxing the Karmic
    eYe out in the
    last Single
    act of all
    SeeinG hUmaN
    eYe inspired by
    the Karma of God isREaL..
    hmm.. i even read a book about
    SoMe White Magic to see if i could
    put one of those Karmic spells on
    all the folks who are trying to
    potentially and eventually
    in cause and effect
    Kill Americans
    by taking
    their Health
    Care away in terms
    of 22 Million folks uninsured
    by the second very cruel behind
    closed doors in total selfishness and
    greed for those with the have a bunch
    of money against those who don’t have
    as much money all stored away in hating greed…
    you see.. i am one of those have it all folks but that
    doesn’t mean i don’t remember where i came from..
    Back in ’97 when our child was born with multiple
    congenital anomalies as the anniversary of
    his 51 days of life comes on the 24th
    of July and almost in the exact
    time frame our across
    the street neighbors
    had a child too..
    their child survived but
    the life of that child cost them
    a place to live as the Husband was
    between jobs and they did not expect
    the unthinkable to happen after the pregnancy
    came to similar circumstances that we experienced..
    difference being i was a Career Federal Civil Servant
    with the precisely same kind of Cadillac Insurance Plan
    that all members of Congress and the House of
    Representatives share.. our 300 thousand
    Dollar Bill for the Shand’s Hospital
    intensive infant care unit in
    Gainesville Florida
    where we
    to be with
    our dying child..
    was largely paid for
    so we got to keep our home
    then for the Grace of a Good Job
    with Great Health Care Benefits too..
    and after that my wife was diagnosed
    with Epilepsy and soon after then she was
    unable to work and without Health Care Benefits
    and in my job we were undergoing a Reduction in
    Force where all jobs were at stake.. and i barely
    made it though the cut and was trying
    to keep temporary assignments
    to keep my Career Status
    Closer to home
    at Whiting
    so i wouldn’t
    have to drive 60 miles
    or so round trip to work every
    day if i would be fortunate enough
    to keep that job.. and the fact that my
    wife did not have insurance as i started out
    healthy enough before all the stress of everything
    that i could not escape from largely because i was
    the only bread winner with all the financial issues directly
    on my shoulders not to mention the illnesses that soon
    came to make life almost impossibly difficult until
    i finally had to give it all up and hope
    for help to survive that came
    with great effort
    on my part
    in 100 Pages
    of Medical Documentation
    for 19 Medical Disorder.. mostly
    stress related.. including type two Trigeminal
    Neuralgia like Dentist Drill without Novacaine
    Pain in my right eye and ear too.. from wake to sleep
    that Doctors don’t have any idea of what actually causes
    this named Suicide Disease that can befall anyone
    at any time of life and just as mysteriously
    go away as mine has been at bay
    now for close to four years
    and there is no doubt
    in my mind that
    the Fibromyalgia
    Pain and Sjogren’s
    Syndrome Auto-immune
    issues where my eyes quit
    making tears was all the result
    of Severe Chronic Stress for years
    that finally culminated in the actual
    Physical Destruction of the Myelin
    Sheafs of my Nervous System..
    from the Acid of Cortisol
    Stress Hormones all
    through my Blood
    Stream for
    years of
    Chronic Stress
    up to that point of falling
    down to so many illnesses.. including
    Dysautonomia too.. where my Blood Pressure
    and Heart rate no longer synched together by
    Direction of my Autonomic Nervous system
    and i spent my days most always feeling
    like i was gonna pass out every
    time i stood up..
    hard to
    make it
    the block one
    time having to cool
    my head some way to
    get the blood to it efficiently
    then.. not able to tolerate any
    heat or cold as additional stress
    to my CardioVascular and Respiratory
    System and Nervous System too.. and later..
    yes.. of course we watched my Mother through
    her Hospice Care of Cancer where she did not
    have to pay a thing for care.. but if she was a child
    who would survive who relied on Medicaid taken away
    in the Future by the killing Hand of the current bill so
    Cruelly Now Devised Against Blood of Poor Children
    as well as Older Adults would be on those who
    Have it all who now can care no more
    than less about the lives
    of their fellow
    for the
    sake of Giving
    Tax Cuts more now to
    the existing rich.. and sure..
    they got upset about a Young
    Man who made a horrible immature
    mistake of playing games over in North
    Korea while ‘they’ play the same game with
    22 Million Americans now.. when they could
    prevent what they are doing now if they had
    any compassion and empathy for their
    Fellow.. less fortunate Americans
    as ‘tHeir Bad Cop Jesus’ if he
    could back now
    a certain
    glare to express
    some CoMinG in Glory
    to Judge the Living and the
    Dead.. just some things i think
    about Before my daily work-out
    and trust me or not this entire
    thing i’m doing has always
    been a white magic
    spell other
    wise known
    as a Prayer for Love
    and the extermination
    of fear and hate through
    that same spell and prayer
    for those who would otherwise
    harm other folks out of fear and hate
    and greed and jealousy and all the Stuff
    that goes along with the DEvil of Fear and Hate..
    hmm.. seems like the effort of all thE LiGht Force
    so far in the US as far as white MaGiC Prayers and
    Spells Go is DoinG iTs Guardians of the Galaxy NoW
    oF Love Karmic Duty to get this job dONE.. FoR NoW..
    Be careful what one wishes for.. so-called Christians
    as remember if ‘MASSES’ repeat somethings enough
    In Churches around the world for Centuries
    in a Nicene Creed.. God has
    A way of
    as ‘they say and do..
    Wish for a Good Cop Jesus please…
    CoMinG iN Glory NoW to Judge the LiVinG
    and the Dead would surely be a sad SaD StorY BooK
    for all of what people are now doing without a care to harm others…
    And please don’t mind A Messenger too much as i do not direct much of any
    of this
    iN fACT..
    it would be
    impossible and
    is impossible to
    get separated from
    all that is God NoW so
    all of this is just rhetoric
    for what lives deep deep within..
    aLL oTHeRs too.. a Big BlanKeT as ‘they’ WiLt Do2..
    Under Hope and Love and Joy
    or under Fear and Hate and
    ugh yes and no
    Company now
    verses the Fun
    House WitHiN NoW2..
    Oh yeaH anD as far as thaT
    300th Anniversary of the
    Premier Grand Lodge in
    Westminster London
    wHeRe some
    iGnorant Christians
    suggest Free MASONS are the
    worshippers NOW of the DEvil
    oF Fear and hate.. truly.. Lucifer
    eYes oF LiGht see better now into
    Creating Hospitals for Children
    with Severe Burns and Orthopedic
    Needs too.. Follow the Care or the Money
    as ‘they’ say if one wants see the Real DEvils close Up..
    tRUST me.. one should worry more about the DEvils one now kNows..;)

  14. Himali Shah says:

    Beautiful clicks Fred. Love the flowers & the view from your window. Yellow Boy & Kat seem to be enjoying the Sunny Day 🙂

    • Hi HImali.. it’s 1:11 AM
      wHeRE i live and
      that 1:11 PM
      on the
      Attention Computer
      Screen this morning too..
      and when i used to Drive to
      Tallahassee to see my Father
      twice a year for decades upon
      Decades Leaving Mile Marker 33
      on the Milton East Exit of Interstate Ten
      Mile Marker 66 alWays popped uP to Catch
      my Attention both ways to and from Dear Old
      Dad’s Home.. and our County Named Santa
      Rosa as Saint Rose is the Same name
      as Saint Rose that is our Catholic
      Church where i attended
      Kindergarten too and
      the CountyTag
      Number for
      size is the
      Number 33 too and
      i graduated with three College
      Degrees where the Nautilus Logo
      Looks like three sixes stacked across
      the Top of my Desk and considering i
      was born on 6660.. Lord KNoWs and
      FeeLs and SeNsEs NoW with
      my Numerology Report
      for life challenges
      coming out at
      Zero for the first
      Life Challenge at Birth
      With the Free Will to do whatever
      inspires or does not inspire me next and
      three consecutive ones after that for the next
      Life Challenges that only require me to Affirm
      what i’m already doing.. hehe.. i suppose there
      is some Harry Potter Significance going on heAR
      NoW and since you like Harry Potter too that probably
      hELps all the MaGiC continuing now.. hmm.. yes.. you
      like a Thousand Years and Vampires who live forever too..
      with mysteries of hidden things that are yet STiLL jusT waiting
      to be found in Human Potential as you continue in Youth to Navigate
      this World of challenge and wondrous amazement in Cultural Changes too..
      it’s true my
      FriEnd NoW
      wHeRe i Live
      the Sun is Shining
      and for now that is
      my Destiny i keep Close
      to heART and SpiRit and SoUL
      iN MiNd and BoDy FoRce of BaLanCinG NoW..
      oTHeR than that thanks for coming by to visit me
      NoW iN mY ‘TeNNeSSee SAnDs FREeDOMs DReAMs’..:)

  15. Hi Himali2.. WiLL
    Do and Happy
    Day where you
    live as i
    with more
    rubber on the
    soULs of mY
    FeaT to
    WiTh NaTuRe’s
    LiGht iN the Morn..:)

  16. WeLL.. haven’t shared MacroVerses.. Year to Date.. NoW
    iN MacroVerse 113/784 Named “300 YEaRs FReED FLintSTOnes GoNe”
    Nor have i added in the Words for Last MacroVerse “TeNNeSSee SAnDs FREeDOMs Dreams”
    that do Make so far.. 112 MacroVerses for “Nether land Bible 2017” NoW aRiSinG to
    A Grand Total of 1,729,679 Words as of that last 112th MacroVerse that also
    Doubles as MacroVerse 783 iN “SonG oF mY SouL”.. STiLL.. EXceeDinG
    4 MiLLioN Words as of
    today too.. NoW
    so now that i have
    ‘that’ ‘squared away’
    as ‘they’ Say it’s
    NoW off to
    uP MacroVerse
    113/874 however
    i am literally mentAlly
    and physically Exhausted
    in Art and ReASon for NoW..
    so i’ll share the year to date
    MacroVerses tomorrow
    but for NoW it’s
    go to
    bed as that’s nice
    to even be able to
    do that for folks who lEarN iN NiGht..:)

    Haha.. currently
    iN Bed as i
    Often Fall
    With A
    To some
    Art and
    NoW And
    Distant too
    As now for
    NiteniteVerse too so as
    ‘They’ say..
    As ‘Friends’..
    And in
    The ‘Waltons’..
    John Boy..
    Too.. it’s
    A ‘sMaLL
    World’ After
    In the
    Too.. Himali..
    AS WeLL
    Make iT ET
    As ‘HEaVeN2..:)

  17. i
    (Deep Blue
    Ocean FB
    Status Color
    Back Ground
    with an Eclectic
    Mix of Humanly
    Made Abstract Constructs
    including Geometry and now
    Nature Art including Science)

    (Pink to Violet
    Diagonally Increasing
    Spectrum of Colors)

    Art is God Changes…
    (Azure Blue Skies
    with Tropical
    Desert Islands)

    Idol is that which does not change.
    (Solid Black B.G. with
    White Block Letters)

    Art that does not
    change is science;
    in example, paint by numbers.
    (Solid Black B.G. with
    White Block Letters)

    Science that changes is art.
    That is not a repeatable science.
    (Solid Black B.G. with
    White Block Letters)

    Religion that does not
    change is science.
    That is a repeatable experiment.
    (Solid Black B.G. with
    White Block Letters)

    LiFe iS ArT…
    Science is the illusion
    we create after the art.
    Sure; will prove it.
    (Yellow to Green
    Spectrum of Colors)

    ArT JuST DoeS iT
    NeVeR SiTs sAMe..;)
    (Azure Blue Sky Color
    Back Ground with an
    Eclectic Mix of Abstract
    Constructed Geometric
    Shapes with multi-colors
    and designs of art added in)

    There is no target audience here.
    (Solid Black B.G. with
    White Block Letters)

    My ReaLiTy iS BeYoND
    FucKinG InFiNiTy FoR
    iT iS NoT BouND
    WiTH Expectation
    (Deep Ocean Blue Back
    Ground Color with two arms
    holding hands; one with a watch
    and decorative painted lines and polka dots;
    and the other with decorative lines and a watch for time)

    Linear reality is a comfortably numb expectation.
    (Solid Black B.G. with
    White Block Letters)

    Paint with black and white.
    (Solid Black B.G. with
    White Block Letters)

    PAiNT WitH
    CoLorS oF
    thE WinD
    (Light to Darker
    Pink Colored Back
    Ground with a Pattern
    of Medium Size Hearts
    for Emotions of Course)

    cRaP HoPinG FoR A
    NeW FB STatUS CoLoR
    B.G. PaTterN..buTTNoW
    sAMe aS YEsTerNoW
    (Solid Black B.G. with
    White Block Letters)

    ReaLiTy iS TeNuoUs
    aT BeST At WorST
    (Same Back
    Ground Color
    as provided

    Abductive Reasoning

    Incomplete Observations leading to what may be true.
    (The constant experience of the state of human consciousness now
    making reality what it is based on memories of past experiences
    including whatever genetic memories that
    come as innate instinct and intuition too
    and that too is currently incomplete
    science based experiments at best
    now of what partially occurs now
    as human cognitive reality)

    Deductive Reasoning

    General Observations leading to what is always true.
    (Apples always fall toward earth on earth when dropped
    from above in ‘normal’ environmental circumstances)

    Inductive Reasoning

    Specific Observations leading to conclusions that may be true
    (i sense and feel therefore i am
    and that’s kinda how
    God realizes
    and that
    may be true too)

    i will be therefore
    i am and that’s
    to FeeL
    and SenSE God..
    some folks need idols but not i am..:)

    In other words..
    i believe
    and that’s
    enough for me2..:)

    And true all the rest of this
    is idol mental masturbation jUSt
    for FuN and art and sure science too..

    HUmans are So FucKinG Complicated
    as they ask why more
    than do juST Do NoW
    iN Victory aS the Prize
    oF preSent GiFT NoW i AM..
    iN oTHeR Words.. ‘they’ fAil to see
    and or appreciate God i AM Be NoW too
    as they are trapped in the idols manufactured
    by otHeRs/theM/thaT/wHo seek to never ever change now..
    and thaT
    iS reaLiTy too..;)

    One thing for sure is.. we create our realities
    as we go based on what we know and
    feel and sense as memories
    from before.. and
    overall that
    goes to
    the point
    of the origins
    of all that is now
    and beyond in many
    ways that science readily
    admits it cannot measure now…
    Life is a gift for me and others view
    it as a curse based on their innate gifts
    and the experience of their environmental
    circumstances too of which either or can
    be perceived in feels and senses
    overall as gift or curse.. but
    what i do refuse to
    do is base
    expression now
    of my human potential
    on what has come before
    in lives other than my own..
    and to truly master life in relative
    free will as we are never separate
    entities unto the rest of Nature and
    reALiTy is to master the regulation
    of emotions and the integration
    of senses and be happy
    always now as
    we do
    the innate
    abiLiTy to
    do that for at least
    some of us now as history
    and the present of now continues
    to show as now goeS oN.. Good News
    is if i can do it and will do it you probably
    can too as we share almost entirely the
    same genetic material we surely
    all do do.. per the deductive
    reasoning of science
    now too.. but the other paRt
    of that recipe is the Environment
    one is raised in per abstract constructs
    created by other folks in the past and present
    to slave one in ‘tHeir’ view of life no matter what another
    individual experiences in their gift of life and experiences
    thereof unique to them.. and once again.. as i attempt to
    finish for now this 113th/784th MacRoVerse NoW
    Centered around the 300th Anniversary
    of the Free Mason Organization
    per the Premier Grand
    Lodge in Westminster
    London i can be and will
    be all of who i am in life.. liberty..
    and the pursuit of Happiness in my
    personal way of Human Potential only for
    the courage and intelligence and heart
    of the folks who Founded this
    Country of the United
    States long before
    i ever
    Foot and Dance and
    Talk and Sing on the Planet
    eARTh now as not only systemizing
    science of the rules set from before but
    a continuing art renew/anew that has no rules and
    or oTHeR limits or and expectations set from before.. now..
    And it is so trUe and LiGht that’s the way i Love it too with a HUGE LIKE NOW2..;)

  18. TrUe.. Life is getting
    much more difficult..
    for ‘FLintSTOnes GoNe’…
    iN ‘certain red state areas’ NoW
    as not everyone has thE sAMe A
    BiLiTy to unpluG.. Neo kNowS and
    FeeLs and SeNses this all too well2
    as Neo2oeNoNeNoW2
    has/is not alWays
    NoW too..
    hmm.. heHe2
    hAha NoW too..;)

  19. THankS FacEbooK FoR
    PrePaRinG ManY WaYs
    (DeeP BlUe OceaN
    HandS oF
    PeAce RocK oN..:)

  20. Before i go on with MacroVerse Memories heAR
    per the Religion i was raised in.. the so-called
    Christian and more specifically Catholic
    one where a Portrait of a Man
    that was Called God
    rose over
    my bed
    at night
    and Santa
    Claus and
    Santa’s Gifts
    were promised
    in a MaGiCaire of
    BeLiEF and Fantasy
    in a Land Called Christmas
    as child then too.. already
    SeeinG God aCross
    the River Banks
    Before i
    could vocally
    speak the English
    Language at age three
    FeeLinG and SeNSinG
    this is my HoMe NoW
    and i have BeeN
    HeAR iN
    PlAce oF Existence
    with One Hundred Percent
    Will and Faith and Trust and
    yes Love with zero doubt all
    Forvermorenow.. it surely was
    a bit hard to imagine God in only
    one hanging Facebook Above my
    head in bed for God raised no Fool in
    me.. God lives within me long before others
    attempted then to control me with tHeir tradition
    of abstract symbols and beliefs to keep folks all
    on the Basic Same Sheet of Music to keep the Song
    of Society in some kind of Peace and Harmony to make
    insanely large groups of humans living together any thing
    other than chaos for a Species only evolved to Peacefully
    Cooperate without a Book of Laws with 150 to 200 sets
    of naked eyes and hips who could get along well
    enough just with the Dance and Song of
    the pleasures and pains of each
    otHeRS LIVes comfortable
    enough for a survive
    and thrive in life
    then now..
    nah.. that part
    never fooled me for
    God is much bigger than
    any paRT for God is obviously
    beyond the Human metaphor for
    the words even alpha to omega too..
    God is i am and i am lives as me and you
    too.. and you is all that is too.. as paRt of WhOle…
    sure.. as ‘they’ say i was and am born with a very logical
    Mind wHeRE the ArT oF i has to work harder with and at thaT
    to make my life much more colorful than black and white and
    yes it is a very colorful ‘solution’ to suggest one man in a desert
    patch of land in the Middle East.. particularly in flat lands where
    no one or anything is much taller than a human being on desert
    lands then.. is God incarnate in three persons.. Spirit.. Father and
    Son too.. and sure.. given one gender choice to make that
    God as a he too.. then.. yes that takes a very colorful
    imagination and creativity and also the Roman
    Empire and Constantine and his Catholic
    Church Developing Leaders to
    expand an empire to
    make come in
    books that say
    it is as so to control others
    through both manufactured
    promises and illusory fears too
    associated with something after
    life instead of a Heaven at Hand NoW
    always promised in This Generation NoW
    where you can and will do greater works NoW
    in arts and sciences than me too.. as i am not
    so arrogant and jealous and greedy and fearful
    and hateful to suggest i am the only first or last
    or only this or that either as just a fragment as
    Fractal as paRT as Mini-me Sentient
    Standing Star DuSt Resurrection
    PluS from Crucible Fire of
    Star Burst Death
    which truly
    is the Cosmos
    aka God Plus NoW
    as miracle unto itself
    iNFiNiTy STanDing TaLL
    H8 wHOle as two HemisPheREs
    of two ones as 11K join toGeTheR
    for Art and ReaSon from head to toe
    too in NoRtH to SoutH LAtitudes too..
    as the Rest of the BRaiN of WoRld
    iN MiNd and BoDy BaLanCinG
    ways as Neuron Humans
    HoLDinG Hands
    with Astrocyte
    Glial CeLL
    Waves oF eArTh aRT
    in Collective Consciousness
    liTerAllY as such we see and saw
    NoW through a Google Search of the
    Unabridged Bible of HUmaN POTenTiaL
    in ArT and SciENcE NoW too.. TruE i Saw
    A Much Bigger God at Age three with zero
    sPoKeN HuMaN Vocal Words until age four..
    And now with the Aid of Art and Science there are
    even fewer limitations and expectations from BeFoRE
    to see and hear and otherwise feel and sense so much more
    of all that is as God NoW too.. but as far as Jesus the story as
    of course as through the deductive reasoning of science in biblical
    scholarly way it is true no one can possibly walk or talk in the mouth
    and feet of the original Jesus dude whoever that was/is as there is simply
    zero evidence that we have a full record of that and a whole lot of Conclusive
    Deductive Reasoning evidence that clearly says we do not fully know who that Jesus
    Dude was/is but never the less as a human hero archetype story that is far from
    perfect as several versions of Jesus literally as such are presented from
    Good Cop to Bad Cop Jesus way ranging from the not so
    Buddy Love Jerry Lewis more of a Mr. Hyde Jesus
    than a Doctor Jekyll Nutty Professor Jesus
    as the Bi-Polar human archetype
    goes too that ranges
    in the current wide-spread
    Book Version of Jesus from
    Love your Neighbor as yourself
    consuming that neighbor with no
    harm to live by the sword and die by the
    sword to Love your enemy even too.. and
    by God yes even turn the other cheek too..
    More than Buddy Love Version of Jesus that is
    more of a selfish entity human unto itself
    who and that says i bring a sword and
    not peace to get my way and
    if you do not believe
    and act in the
    way i say
    and do you are
    to hate your brothers
    and sisters and parents
    and even children too.. and
    not only that slay those who do not
    too.. and sure we can metaphor that to mean
    whatever we want to now as all human words can
    be taken more than one way as at core they are all just
    approximations of the reality we perceive but if you are going
    to expand a Roman Empire by Force not unlike what the Ottoman
    Empire did too.. you go by the sword and blood and guts as that’s
    what the Human Tribal instinct does when subsistence and mates
    are at stakes opposing insanely large groups of humans living
    together well beyond the evolved limit of peace and
    naked harmony of love and thrive with survive
    of 150 to 200 naked sets of eyes and
    hips too.. DanCinG and SinGinG
    Close toGeTher under
    a campfire Moonlit
    Bliss NoW
    THeN of Ecstatic
    With Nature God
    plUS as all that is
    as what
    Killing Christian
    Roman Empire and
    Ottoman Muslim Empire
    named as Heathens and still
    name as Pagans and Savages then
    and now too no better than what they
    name as so-called animals of what science
    in deductive reasoning way concludes that
    we are now too.. so.. while we don’t have as
    much fur.. shaving it off and we rip the foreskins off
    of baby boys STiLL and in other areas/ways mutilate
    the pleasure organs
    of little girls
    so folks
    can control
    them as mates too..
    to avoid any potential
    stray for pleasure when
    the current trick is not doing the
    best treat of mate now.. and we continue
    to foolishly dominate the rest of Nature too
    killing the species that NoW in the Cycles
    Circles of LiFe and Balance of Nature
    provide overall subsistence
    to us as Birds and
    Bees and Flowers
    of LiFe NoW..
    it’s true NoW too..
    while i Do Love Words
    and the Freest Art that Can
    and WiLL in Imagination and
    Creativity iN Positive dreAMs
    of Good Cop Jesus Love Archetype
    of WiLL and Strength iN DiviNe
    Masculine Way with
    Grace and
    iN DiViNe
    FeMiNe Way
    STiLL cOMe Back
    today inCarNaTE aS
    LoVe iN any hUmaN Essence
    as Form that attains that Capstone
    Pyramid oF HUMaN LIFe PoTeNTiaL LoVE
    Reborn as LiGht and This trUth iN One LiFE NoW..
    that is the only Jesus i see in oTHeRs and ME that
    i See/FeeL/SeNsE isReal and through Science and Deductive Reasoning
    it’s kinda plain to see that the original coke Jesus was probably
    a Very Zealous Five foot one or so 106 LB or so Syrian Looking
    Brown Dude with Short Cropped Sheep Sheared Hair aS iN
    thaT Day no Dude got away alive wearing Long Hair then..
    nor went without getting married without being
    outcast from basic subsistence and
    a thrive of life then..
    NoW other than
    thaT tRuly STiLL NoW
    no one can say much as
    far as deductive reasoning
    goes other than about 18 Percent
    of what’s in the New Testament can
    be attributed to one person and most
    of that to a Saul Dude who changed his
    Name to Paul then as that story goes too..
    never the less And More.. we can all come back as Unconditional
    Love and Fearless smART WiLL and GRace as a Strength of LoVE FReED..
    and sure even
    SinG NoW
    for Praise be
    Love in and as
    me and you.. sure..
    one can even name
    that HuMaN PoTenTiaL
    in me and you as Jesus too..
    dAM sure wasn’t Yeshua’s original
    name.. and he dam sure wasn’t a Six
    Foot or so guy with green to blue piercing
    eyes with dirty blonde hair either then.. heHe..
    isn’t life ironic.. be careful and or do wish for wHaT you want nexT
    ’cause iF ‘you’
    JuST Do it enough
    it MiGht juST coMe
    TrUe for you aT Least and
    somEone else@moRE NoW2
    PrepaRinG WaYs NoW as ‘they’ DancE and SinG2..:)

  21. Okay.. now.. heHe.. finally to the Facebook All Free
    iRobot Algorithm Provided MacroVerse Memories
    and while i usuAlly go in the Chronological
    order of how and when Facebook
    Provides these MacroVerse
    Memories years to date
    as i prepare each
    Current MacroVerse
    All live on Facebook and
    Blogs too.. i’M gonna skip over
    to one short enough to quote heAR
    now that has a whole lot in PaRT whOle
    God Meaning to me noW too.. in what ‘they’
    nAMe as Synchronicity too iN honor of my only
    Son heAR too.. wHo iN many ways in his short
    51 day life has and does and is inspiring all oF whaT i Do
    NoW.. as ‘they’ say somEtiMes A SigNature oF A Son coMes first
    iN sELf
    Prophecy WaYs..:)

    Kiss Your Baby Goodbye

    “Kiss Your Baby Goodbye”

    Hoses.. wires.. PASTED bandages..
    painFuLL deep brown eyes.. blood stained skin..
    an ominous pasted on notice in front of crib bed
    No way to breathe.. born without sinus passages..
    Transposition of great blood vessels.. open heart surgery
    required on 30 day born heart.. no immune system.. extra digits
    for six on each hand.. with two thumbs instead of one.. respectively…

    It is the day of the open heart surgery.. surgeon in his sixties.. huge hands
    tell me at 37.. don’t worry it’s just like when your grandfather gets a bypass..

    and the nice nurses say don’t worry you are still young there is plenty of time
    for more children.. your wife is beautiful.. you will have beautiful children to come..

    Baby is wheeled toward operating room.. surgeon says.. kiss your baby goodbye..
    So wife and i bend down.. and after 30 days at the hospital are shell shocked for
    whatever comes next.. father sits beside me in waiting room.. and offers advice..

    Son make sure you raise him as a man…

    My mother didn’t do a good enough job for him…

    he bails after 3 years.. when my mother doesn’t work..

    Oh.. the values we place on humanity.. gender roles

    here or there.. a do or die proposition of static

    roles for patriarchal minds of being..

    i sit back quietly at this point

    and almost giggle

    at a reality


    strange as this…

    And truly feel sorry for my

    father who thinks raising a boy is

    all about being him.. baby survives the

    surgery and as really expected from birth by

    doctors and nurses.. veterans of this show..

    passes away in my arms.. not afraid

    to cry.. i call my father.. and he just

    says oh no.. i don’t wanna

    hear any bad


    A 500 mile trip back home..

    ashes will be sent in cardboard box

    by postal service.. the lesson of life is..

    how lucky i am just to be a human

    alive for now.. never ever will

    i doubt my blessings

    in life again..

    and truly a lesson

    i need for five years..

    10 and a half years later

    at the start of my challenge

    of JOB.. but i have the blessing

    of knowing my son survived much

    worse.. with never a smile.. never

    a laugh.. and only pain for

    51 days.. and yes..

    more than

    likely he










    See.. thing is.. i already
    HavE iT aLL aT age 3 aka God
    And all oF thaT iS Prepared
    me for
    all of
    No more no less..
    nOw All to GivE NoW Fully
    When one underStands.. sHaRinG
    wHo and wHat tHey were and are now

    ITSTRUE URAUniverse!

    So.. now back to
    Chronological Order
    and this one is worth
    quoting again too..
    per a Macro
    Verse from
    3 years
    ago as
    the last one
    about the Baby was
    2 years old.. from 2015..

    “ITSTRUE URAUniverse!”








































































    5 ways to avoid the ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE!

    “5 ways to avoid the ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE!”.. reAlly
    tHeRe are many ways but first and foremost
    Get Back to Nature/GoD per the Gospel
    of Thomas Verse 37.. and
    With Will
    and Love
    and Grace
    as Strength
    the rest WiLL Naturally
    Follow as Love.. sAdly..
    the original Jesus
    story didn’t
    emphasis then
    on the rest of
    Nature aka God
    but as John 14:12
    says.. alWays room for
    Greater Works than before
    for those who truly Believe
    in the me that is you all Natural too

    And yes.. Saint Francis of Assisi
    definitely Did STiLL Does more than hinted this..
    Great and SmALL
    And Sure.. respect
    Plant Life and the
    Rest of God too..
    All of Creation
    aLL thaT
    iS as
    aS WeLL..:)

    UmBReLLa God People Rain

    “UmBReLLa God People Rain”.. Haha.. and i get a glimpse
    iN this Eclectic miX of MicroVerses iN A
    Year Old MacroVerse of
    Free Verse Poetry
    as inspired
    from the
    dVerse Poetry
    Pub Online place
    and where i stArt to
    share MacroVerses iN
    more of a regular pattern
    as Facebook stARTed offering
    me that option a year or so ago
    as the Facebook Algorithm Decides
    to go and it’s true what i am DoinG
    heAR is a Very Large Multi-Chambered
    Nautilus SHeLL uploaDinG as total online
    effort sTiLL EXSeeDinG 4 Million words
    now and 100K plus photos more fully
    ilLusTrating how that SoUL
    SeeS and FeeLs and
    SeNses the WoRld
    thAT is CurRenTlY
    Me and alWays
    aN EVolVinG
    HeART.. SPiRiT
    ExPreSSinG HeART
    And MiNd and BoDy
    BaLanCinG SoUL eVeN MoRe
    AlWaYs now forevermore NOW..:)

    Can U See ME nowOne

    Hmm.. as ‘they’ say too.. “Can U See ME nowOne”
    STiLL from 3 years ago as MacroVerse Written then..:)

    Symphony of Unconditional Tough Love

    “Symphony of Unconditional Tough Love”.. And heAR after Leaving
    the Wrong Planet back in the Summer of 2015.. more focusing
    on Writing MicroVerses with accompanying YouTube
    Music Videos from all ages too.. Unlimited
    Music Library for share as ‘they’
    say STiLL too.. using dVerse
    Poetry Pub online for
    a full year long
    Muse then.. responding
    to every prompt and
    link of poetry
    in Poetic
    of what would eventually
    form “GodsUniVerseNovel3
    Making 338,630 words come
    real with around 300 Gorgeous
    Navarre and Pensacola Beach
    Photo Memories too.. Slow to
    oPeN.. yeS.. oN Narrow Broad Band
    Access and
    but never the less
    and hehe.. much more
    yes2.. This GodsUniVerseNovel3
    is real too and always linked
    at the continuing and expanding
    Signature lines at the end of
    each and every MacroVerse Now..
    ‘HiGhLiGhts” as ‘they’ say too theNow2..;)

    Green Pill of Gay Confederate FREE FLAG Knowledge

    “Green Pill of Gay Confederate FREE FLAG Knowledge”.. actually Still on the
    Wrong Planet HEar.. two years ago in this Macroverse here.. as i remember
    now i left that place around the 22nd of July in 2015 as a temporary
    Ban they placed on me for being much different than ‘them’.. hehe..
    two more years after i recovered from a state of hell for 66
    months on or about 7.22.13.. i came back to help them escape2
    like ‘that’ ever happens then now too.. haha.. just
    the different as i avoid organizations
    with stifling rules for creativity
    like somewhat of a plague
    i am now inoculated against
    more now as FReED.. but
    anyway as
    i said too..
    before.. Saint
    Francis of Assisi
    and all of that too
    in Creatures Great and
    Perceived culturally small
    in minority ways too.. even
    the Catholic Church has a long
    way to go before they acknowledge
    that people with different gender
    and sexual orientations are
    Even FucKinG HuMaN
    too with the
    same rights
    for Life..
    Liberty and
    the Pursuit of Happiness
    including a Sacred and
    Holy Sacrament of FuLL
    oF MeaNing And Purpose
    as Marriage they create
    with aNoThER HuMaN
    BeinG Based
    oN PuRe
    on this
    planET eARTh
    that still hOlds
    ignorance dear
    and true
    dARk ages
    of huMaN Fear
    and Hate of the
    Devil of ThaT dARk
    Past too.. yes.. Grow uP
    as ‘they’ DancE and SinG Love.. get more
    common sense than the blinders of ‘you’
    and who
    STiLL on the
    ignorance of
    Fear and Hate
    and other hUmaN
    closed down away
    from Love States of BeinG..
    ugh.. the State of Fear and Hate
    sadly STiLL.. A Synonym of Trump Red State LifE too..
    don’t like it but what ya gonna do ’bout LoVinG ‘enemies’ too..
    Grin and
    bARE it
    Be the
    change of
    Love YOU ARE NOW..
    when Trump got elected the
    Monsignor of my church who
    was and is the leader of my
    Catholic Church and A Old
    Tennis Buddy from
    he was
    asexual then..
    that isn’t any
    more vanilla than
    homosexual or transgender now..
    never the less he indicated that
    since our Great Country through
    the Declaration of Independence
    to the Creation Given Rights
    of LifE Liberty and the
    Pursuit of Happiness
    that Gay folks
    have a right to
    pursue Happiness under
    the Legal and Cultural
    Protections and Happiness
    of Marriage now.. yes.. he
    said we could no longer recognize
    this country anymore ’cause of that..
    and truly i wanted at that point in time
    to walk out of that church and never come back
    again.. and one Lady in the front of the Church
    who was not restrained as me started gnashing out
    at the Devil of that who kindly asked to stop her Discernment
    over the True Evil that STiLL comes our way in the guise of fear and
    hate and taking rights to life.. liberty.. and the pursuit of Happiness
    by doing tHeiR God DAMNDEST to eliminate Health Insurance Coverage too
    from about 22 Million Folks all around the country now from
    Children to Poor Folks to Old Folks too.. and
    yes.. folks with disabilities too..
    And truly this
    man hear..
    who is so
    called profoundly
    disabled in another
    way but now who too..
    finds ways to pursue now
    his own fashion of Happiness
    now.. can speak for all of us
    on these issues for the right to
    Life.. Liberty.. and the Pursuit
    of Happiness now.. it’s true.. Asexual
    Folks can pursue a career as a Catholic
    Priest now.. but the Truth is God ain’t
    Vanilla and neither are God’s Children now
    they are all colors.. including Queer and Disabled too..
    Anyway.. i stayed at the Catholic Church as the Interesting
    Phenomenon and Cognitive Dissonance of Hypocrisy was far
    too ignorant and fascinating for me to leave… hehe..
    it’s not
    evil in those
    who still know
    not what they do.. per example..

    “We’ve been dreaming of this since I’ve
    been around—since you and I were drinking at a keg”

    -Paul Ryan

    Paul Ryan’s Dream of taking Constitutional Rights away from
    Disabled Folks now.. per yes.. the Right to Life and
    Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness too..
    with Necessary Medicaid

    ‘These folks’
    disgust me..
    sometimes it’s
    hard to Love Close
    Relatives of the EVil
    oF Fear Greed and Hate like this..
    but never the less and more i don’t give up..
    you see.. some folks really do believe in the me that is ‘you’
    iaL NoW
    For LiGht..
    CoMinG iN Glory to Judge
    the LiVinG and the Dead
    will be for
    when that
    coMes now
    as KArMa JusT Does ‘YoU’ too..:)

    AnyWay.. Lord ‘this’ ‘thing’
    has is runS oN.. a Song
    to Go and
    an uplifting
    one for otHeR
    sTuFF to
    2 as far
    as LiGht and
    Natural and PlEaSinG2..:)


    Uh oh.. leFt a Pre-MacroVerse
    and a rather esoteric leaning
    one out from 4 years ago SpeaKinG
    of ones and multiples of ones
    “SEEin elEVeN” and who
    else writes about
    a Sacred
    and Holy
    Full of Meaning Purpose
    Number.. trUe.. more than
    a few and this was is before
    i read any of the rules of
    Numerology before then..
    CoMinG from writing
    about the Number
    Seven and
    Twelve too..
    Hey.. not only a
    letters guy.. i do
    Numbers too and 2 too
    and when you add the
    numbers separate in
    the whole odd
    ya get
    the number 2 too..:)

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